Nymph ID help


Mar 29, 2007
Found this guy in a small Lehigh Valley stream that I think has some spring influence. In the Hatches II book, I think I can match it to the Maccaffertium rubrum ( stenonema in the book). Can anyone confirm this and tell me anything about these guys? Thanks.



yes he is missing a few legs....
Well, there is no maccaffertium rubrum species. What was previously stenenoma rubrum is now classified as part of maccafertium modestum.

I suck at ID'ing nymphs, but looks like a reasonable guess.
I agree with pcray (cream cahill) they are know in the lehigh valley.
Thanks guys. I knew that they had revised the stenonema to maccerffertium, but i didn't realize rubrum had become modestum. I'll research that avenue further. Thanks again.
my best guess would be Maccaffertium vicarium
My guess would be Ephemerella subvaria (Hendrickson). I wouldn't expect to see a lot of these in the Lehigh Valley but you never know. What suggests a subvaria in my view is the faint colored band in the back half of the abdomen.

But it really beats me.