Lost rod tip - Ridley Creek Orange Trail Gradyville Road


New member
Oct 26, 2023
I'm an idiot and lost my rod tip sometime when I was sprinting back to my car at Sunset on Tuesday. I last had it at that first honey hole off of Sycamore Mills Road. It would probably be somewhere between there on the Orange Trail and the Gradyville Road parking for the Orange trail. They just discontinued the rod and tips are out of stock 🫠
I can't help you but I've lost two in my my life, one at Ridley Creek a million years ago and the 2nd about 15 years ago and found neither although I had both tips replaced, however I learned two valuable lessons:

NEVER carry an assembled graphite or fiberglass multi-piece rod WITHOUT being strung up!!​
If you take a rod apart to carry it, don't stick the loose sections in you back pocket!!! 😳

If I was you I'd try and go back and look some more...

I hope you find your rod tip...!!!
Shuffle your feet when you look. It will cover up with falling leaves pretty quickly and you don't want to find it by stepping on it. You can also try dragging the widest rakes you can find along the trail-sides.
I did same thing a year or two ago on fishing creek.

Usually leave the rod strung til I get back to truck, which would have kept it in place
But I snapped my fly off right before leaving
And wound the line up, rather than leave it hanging.
Noticed what happened as I was putting it away.

I immediately retraced my steps back to where I quit fishing.
And found it lying on bank right where I got out of the water.
A bunch of low hanging tree branches knocked it off as I was crawling up a rather steep bank, without me realizing it.
Very relieved - its an older rod, and I likely wouldn't have been able to replace it

Good luck
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