Lost My Fly Box on Muddy Creek, York Co.


May 7, 2007
I was fishing the lower end of the Muddy Creek -Fly Fishing Only section this morning. I guess I didn’t zip my pack and my nymph box with all of the new flies that I have been tying ALL WINTER fell out. I had just put them in the new box I bought and was feeling very good about myself.

I never saw the box fall out so I don’t know if it floated away or sank to the bottom. 🤯 It is a gray, hard plastic Tacky / Fishpond box that looks similar to this…

If anyone finds it, and it is returned to me, I will pay you handsomely in beer or dollars. Please email me at jhmay13@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.
If that was ALL of your nymphs, that definitely sucks. I will donate some overseas factory ties if that helps
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I unknowingly dropped a fly box in a relatively small stream (Dyberry Creek). When I went to change flies box was gone. The box was a floater. I gathered up a bunch of dead leaves and dropped them in, followed the leaf trail and found my box floating in a shoreline eddy. Lucky.
I adhere a strip of heavy-duty Velcro on all my fly boxes. Just pin in a short lanyard to the bottom your fly compartment of your pack or attach it to the bottom of your vest pocket. You can use anything, even a shoe string and attach the lanyard with a Velcro end I affixed and attached the lanyard to each box. My fly boxes are secured if I happen to drop them or leave my pack opened. Haven't lost one since. And by using Velcro, you are still able to easily remove any box from your pack or vest.
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That's unfortunate. I know the pain associated with fly box loss. On my first outing for steelhead this past Thurs I thought I had lost my main nymph box. After a retie I waded back in to fish and noticed my main compartment on my sling pack was open (I'm bad about leaving zippers open) and I freaked out. Luckily it was just in another compartment. The thought of losing my main nymph box, a box containing over 1k in flies, and the fact I was on day one of a four day trip, was truly heart-breaking. The area I was fishing at was around 10 ft. deep. If my box sunk into that there would be no recovery. Hope someone returns your box to you man.
I was fishing the lower end of the Muddy Creek -Fly Fishing Only section this morning. I guess I didn’t zip my pack and my nymph box with all of the new flies that I have been tying ALL WINTER fell out. I had just put them in the new box I bought and was feeling very good about myself.

I never saw the box fall out so I don’t know if it floated away or sank to the bottom. 🤯 It is a gray, hard plastic Tacky / Fishpond box that looks similar to this…
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If anyone finds it, and it is returned to me, I will pay you handsomely in beer or dollars. Please email me at jhmay13@gmail.com. Thanks in advance.

I hope you get it back.
Someone on the forum suggested labels. I put these on all my fly boxes with my name, address and phone number. It’s something you may want to consider in the future.

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Be sure to post in Facebook groups (If you have an account). I recently returned one I found to someone, and found the rightful owner on FB.

Hope you get it back!
You are all very kind. Thank you.

Since this incident I have written my name and cellphone number on my remaining boxes in Sharpie.

I had an incident ten years ago where I lost a dry fly box at Spring and was aware of a huge tree in the river a mile or so downstream from where I dropped my box. I drove down there and sure enough, my box was floating in an eddy. But did I learn anything? Apparently not. The only way I tend to learn things is by suffering.
I had a box float away from me on the Youghiogheny River several years ago. I posted on this forum and was contacted by another angler who grabbed it as it was floating by several miles downstream. Miracles do happen.

I sent him a nice gift for his trouble.
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You are all very kind. Thank you.

Since this incident I have written my name and cellphone number on my remaining boxes in Sharpie.

I had an incident ten years ago where I lost a dry fly box at Spring and was aware of a huge tree in the river a mile or so downstream from where I dropped my box. I drove down there and sure enough, my box was floating in an eddy. But did I learn anything? Apparently not. The only way I tend to learn things is by suffering.
"But did I learn anything? Apparently not. The only way I tend to learn things is by suffering".....Sounds like investing in the stock market.
I make small labels with just my name & cell number on my P-Touch.

I put them on ANYTHING and everything I may leave behind and after losing a favorite reel I also put one on the reel foot of every reel I own.

I don't trust in the kindheartedness of someone who may find something I lost, but just knowing they might feel a tad guiltier when they peel off that label makes it worth it to me. 😉

BTW - If you have a PA fishing license and log on to the HuntFish PA website, you will see you have a unique "Sportsman's ID Number."

You can put that number on equipment in an inconspicuous place as proof of ownership in the event something you lost ends up on eBay or elsewhere.
I don't trust in the kindheartedness of someone who may find something I lost, but just knowing they might feel a tad guiltier when they peel off that label makes it worth it to me. 😉
Anybody who would find something that's labeled with the owners name/number, peel off the ID and not return it, knows no guilt. 😉