How About a "Wanted" Forum?


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2006
City Failure to provide a legitimate answer may disqualify your entry
Berks County, PA
On another fishing forum where I participate, we have a forum page titled WANTED where members can put a post up for something they are looking for without cluttering up the For Sale forum page with those types or requests.

For example, if a person is looking for a specific rod, reel, accessory or even a spool or two of thread in a certain color, they ask on that page versus putting a WTB (want to buy) listing on the For Sale page and pushing those posts down the list.

The Wanted page also doesn't permit comments so basically, IF a person has what another person is after, they communicate via the private messaging system.

I realize the Swap Forum we already have could serve the same function, but someone may not offer up items for sale or trade that someone else wants if they don't know someone is looking for it, especially if it is something that isn't taking up a lot of room or worth enough money to initiate a sale or trade listing on the Swap Forum page.

Just a thought... "I wanna catch more fish"?

Oh....upon re-reading.....never mind.
Thanks for the idea and we can see how it goes with a trial in the Swap Forum? Meaning the Swap forum was set up to make requests too. If it doesn't feel like the right fit and there is a strong interest I can add the new forum too.
Dave what about a sub-forum under SWAP that is strictly for WTB threads?
I know you can’t please everybody all of the time, but.. I think it’s perfectly fine as it is. There is so little activity now that I think you’d spend more time just looking for a separate forum than it takes now to read everything that have been posted on the entire classifieds for the past month!

I’m a member of another fly fishing forum that has so many sub forums, many of which rarely have any new posts, that turns me off from visiting that forum on a regular basis.

On the other hand, I frequently participate in another fly fishing forum that has a format very close to this one, with just one - very active - classified section, and many of its members say that forum is the best fly fishing forum on the internet. That forum does have a user selected prefix that can be added to the classified posting, shown here:


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Thanks all I will look into these ideas. I have another classified add-on, but haven't gotten it figured out just yet. On my list to explore.