>>>Hatch and Entomology Forum Guidelines - 2022

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Dec 13, 2021
Full Paflyfish Forum Guidelines and Policies

Hatch and Entomology Forum
This forum has been created for all members to post insect photos and information, and to use as a reference for identifying and learning about insect hatches in Pennsylvania rivers and streams.

To use the forum, simply post your insect photo along with all relevant information, such as the stream location, date, common name and/or latin name of insect (if known) along with any further details such as time of day, water temperature and conditions, fish activity, etc.

When the identification of a particular insect is confirmed by Paflyfish moderators, the thread will be moved and locked into a category of insect. The categories are as follows: Mayflies, Caddisflies, Stoneflies, Midges, Craneflies, Terrestrials, and Others.

For reference, members will be able to search for any insect by selecting a category as listed above and clicking on a particular insect species. To further enhance the forum, additional information such as links to other sites or any other relevant information may be added to the locked thread by Paflyfish moderators.

It is our hope that the Hatch and Entomology forum will become a valuable database of information about PA insect hatches and add to your enjoyment of the site.

January 8, 2022
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Can a mod set up a thread with unknown insect pictures for being identified? I have some picts that I don't know what the fly is.


Should be a very interesting and helpful forum...thanks!


I just wanted you to know this is an awesome idea and thank you.
Dave, great topic for those who are into the bugs. One question: I found that my pics are o.k. for the other forums but are a bit large for here. Fly tying forum allows pics up to 1000K but are limited to only 150K here. Any possibility of increasing the size for this forum?

Dave R.
Glad we are talking about our thoughts on this forum. I hope the mods will jump in here too for some of collective thoughts from them.

I hope the the posts here can stay more on topic with the original post. If someone posts a photo of a sulphur and the thread ends up talking about how to cook lamb we have derailed the topic! If the topic starts with Hendericksons and gets to a story about how nice of a day you had with Trico's somewhere, the thread is derailed. Wait till we get to Trico's and then tell your story.

The hope here is for the posts to be a solid reference for entomology in the region and discussions focused on that topic. Details, facts, times, locations and a photo are going to helpful. One good photo is all we need, five out of focus pictures of bugs in the air is really only taking up space.

Good questions and dialog are encouraged.

I am trying to better manage the space on the site and I am going to ask we post pictures that are close to 450 x 450 pixels at 72 dpi. These sizes are going to be at about 50 kb and certainly less 150k set for the forum. If it is bigger then I suggest you try cropping and resizing to see if that helps.

I am learning as I go, Dave, but the amount of information coming in is incredible. The idea is to find a way to organize the data so it is easy to use as a reference. When we figure out how to do that, the forum will be easier to follow.

Thanks to everyone contibuting information.
This is a fantastic new forum. I have one suggestions though. I think it would be best to keep the titles in the same format as the stream reports section (Common bug name - County - Stream Name - Date). It would make it much easier to browse by titles.

And on a similar topic, I always thought the Professional Stream Reports forum titles should follow the same format that is used in the standard Stream Reports forum. It has become more about promoting a guiding service than giving specific professional stream reports and conditions IMO. Afterall, they are the pros. They should be able to provide more detailed stream info.


As a newbie I think this will be of great use. Can't say that I understood all that preceded my reply but will remain at parade rest and learn as I observe.
Question for anyone in here, im new to fly fishing this year and i was given some flies, if i post some pics could someone please tell me what they are??
fly027, welcome to the forums. I would post your pictures and questions in the General Forum or Fly Tying, or even the Beginners forum. The present forum serves a different purpose and probably gets less traffic. I think you'll get your best answers in the General Forum.
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