For all you fallfish folks

The article mentions the angler accidentally catching the fallfish while fishing for browns. Know how many browns I've caught while fishing for fallfish? Pesky buggers... Also mentions the fallfish fighting like a bulldog. Let's not get carried away, catching fallfish and suckers feels more like fighting a submerged log, and sometimes I think it is a log.
It's interesting that MD keeps a of record of fallfish but PA does not. A shame really, not that I would hold the record by any means, my best is around 18 inches, but the fallfish I catch are FAT. I know a creek that seems to be entirely composed of these TANKER class fish.
This is 100% accurate. My biggest fallfish is from the NB.

NB fallfish:
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I'd cream my pants if I could get one like that! INCREDIBLE catch silverfox! It would seem we share a similar preference with nets. Do you you have a pack to match it? I always appreciate that you stay sharp-dressed on the creek. I typically fish in a T-shirt. I've been told I look "homeless" with some of my bluegill slime-stained clothes, to which I reply, take a look at what I'm fishing f***head.
Are these fallfish good or bad news for the NB Water quaity? I have always heard that big fallfish are only in very marginal trout water (yet good forage for the browns...)...
I would also like to hear your accounts Ryan, thank you for the post.
Don't think I've taken a fall fish above westernport. I've hooked into my fair share when floating down to the Gary Yoder boat ramp. I've definitely taken some large ones but never big numbers. That's why I fish for trout they are much easier! I had one smash a streamer last fall that was about 17 inches.
Don't think I've taken a fall fish above westernport. I've hooked into my fair share when floating down to the Gary Yoder boat ramp. I've definitely taken some large ones but never big numbers. That's why I fish for trout they are much easier! I had one smash a streamer last fall that was about 17 inches.
my favorite is when the really big fall fish come up for sulfurs on-top penns creek this year i noticed the big fall fish and brown trout were rising together in same pods. As mike has stated before those fall fish can also make your night fishing trips
Are these fallfish good or bad news for the NB Water quaity? I have always heard that big fallfish are only in very marginal trout water (yet good forage
Do you mean water temps or pollution?

The temps coming out of the reservoir are cold year round. Once your past the McCool boat ramp water temps can be a concern out hot summer days.

On the pollution end of things it has its issues but is recovering. The paper mill being shut down has made the water much cleaner. The water from Randolph Jennings is lime dozed to neutralize the acid from mine pollution.
Are these fallfish good or bad news for the NB Water quaity? I have always heard that big fallfish are only in very marginal trout water (yet good forage for the browns...)...
MD DNR just surveyed the river and said it’s in excellent shape.

The paper mill in Westernport shut down (likely for good this time) and I suspect pollutants are down as a result. There are more and more brook trout in the river which seems like an indication that water quality is improving.

I caught this brookie the same day and in the same area as the fallfish above.


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