Fly Fishing Elitism (from an outsiders perspective)

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Frank, I wear camo shirt when I go fishing. My pants and hat are drab green or camo, too.

Standing near fish rising all around me and not catching them is because I don't have the right fly, not because they detect my presence. When they detect my presence, they stop rising.

How do I know this? Because as soon as I put on the right imitation, those trout that were rising all around me and I couldn't catch are suddenly stupid easy to catch.
I sure as hell haven't caught 122.73 trout each day I've gone fishing. I bet no one else on this entire board has either.

Truly commendable.
I doubt that I catch that many trout in a year.
Maybe if I count every last little dink, but I really don't count regardless. I might know how many I caught that day but certainly don't keep a record.

I probably only get out to trout fish a dozen times at most though.
I sure as hell haven't caught 122.73 trout each day I've gone fishing. I bet no one else on this entire board has either.

Truly commendable.
123 trout per day. Assuming 10 hour days that's 1 trout every 5 minutes for 77 days. Includes time taken to change bait/lures, play and remove fish, move upstream or downstream to new location, remove snags, take a lunch break, swat a mosquito, or take a leak. It also does not include fishing on days when conditions are less than ideal.

Why give this guy the time of day. That number is preposterous. If we don't see that statement as a pile of Bull Biscuits, we are goofier than he is. Everything he says is from a position of envy or jealousy. He's falsely trying to convince us of his relevance. He to be devoutly ignored.
123 trout per day. Assuming 10 hour days that's 1 trout every 5 minutes for 77 days. Includes time taken to change bait/lures, play and remove fish, move upstream or downstream to new location, remove snags, take a lunch break, swat a mosquito, or take a leak.

A quote by @FrankTroutAngler on another forum:

“I consider myself to be in the highest stage of trout fishing: catching the most trout, the biggest trout, and the most difficult trout, all on spinners (added on edit: barbed treble hook spinners) that don't represent anything a trout ever sees naturally.
Frank Nale”

Frankly, Frank, you do realize that your comment reeks of elitism (i.e., snobbery), no?”
I've gone fishing on 77 days so far this year and have caught 9,450 trout. I've caught 100 or more trout on 73 of those days, and in the 80's on three of the four days that I didn't top 100 trout. I'll ask you a question, "Do you think I'm quitting early due to inactivity or having long periods of inactivity?"

On this site it has been brought up in the past, mostly by doubter/moderator JackM, that there is never any verification as to the number of trout I catch. I usually fish solo, but a few days ago I ran into a friend of mine at daybreak and we spent the day fishing together. If interested, you can read his story about our day here, starting with post #21:

Verification: trust me and my friend bro
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