Fly Casting Skills Development


Active member
Jun 7, 2012
Keystone Fly Fishers, Inc., a Fly Fishers International Charter Club, will be holding the FFI Foundation, Bronze, and Silver levels Fly Casting Skills Development casting instruction at Cranberry High School, Venango County, Seneca, PA 16346.

Foundation level is a great starting place for those picking up a fly rod for the first time, or a beginner with some fishing experience. Fly rod outfits will be available. Preregistration and prepayment of $35 is required.

Bronze level is for experienced beginners, intermediate, and advanced fly fishers. Participants must have their own equipment. Preregistration and prepayment of $50 is required.

Silver level requires completion of Bronze level assessment. Participants must have their own equipment, and preregistration and prepayment of $50 is required.

Instruction and practice Saturday, June 8 and June 15, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. to noon (or so). Ages 12-17 must be accompanied by an adult.

For more information contact or call 814-673-5478. Also, search Fly Fishers International's website (select Learn, then Fly Casting Skills Development).


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Correction: phone number is 814-673-5478, Got the area code wrong above!

Fixed (dk)
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Thank you to all the participants that attended Keystone Fly Fishers' Fly Casting Skills Development program. Also, thanks to MCI Gary 'The Fly Fishing Coach' Kell , CI Bob 'Narrow Loops' Anderson, CI Jack 'Raise The Barr' Barr, Tony, and Warren for their instruction, support, and valuable time to make these classes happen.

Good time had by all!
See you next year.