Enjoy New Site


Active member
Jul 23, 2021
I like the look of the new site so far. It's much easier to negotiate. Thanks.
@DaveKile I agree with the above comments. Its one heck of an upgrade. Also being in the IT field I can appreciate what it took to get everything upgraded. I know it was no small feat.
@DaveKile I agree with the above comments. Its one heck of an upgrade. Also being in the IT field I can appreciate what it took to get everything upgraded. I know it was no small feat.
Thank you. I had experience with software development projects and was very reluctant to make the upgrade. I really couldn't believe the SQL databases could be migrated to the new platform. I found a good developer to do the heavy lifting on the migration for me. He did a very good job and I'm thrilled as to what made it over to the new site. The rest has been admin work in getting the backend and forums tweeked.

Before the migration a spent a fair amount of time checking out Zenforo and making sure it could be a good addition to the site. It seems like this is even better than I thought and again thank you for the kind words.