David Shenk obituary



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2008
Don't know if anyone out there in PAFF land knew this gentleman or not, but he was a member of Donegal Trout Unlimited and had set up for a number of years at the DFCA spring show. Sounds as though he was an accomplished tyer as well. Condolences to his family.

I knew Dave. I sat next to him at the Lancaster Fly Fishing show. A great guy. Just talked via email two weeks ago. He asked me to do a presentation at a Donegal TU meeting. He will be missed...
Dave Shenk was my friend and he is missed.

His word was rock solid; if he said he would do something or be somewhere he would go out of his way to make sure he kept his commitment. He was very eager about his new leadership role in Donegal TU.

We enjoyed playing poker together, talking about fly fishing, fly tying, hunting, and many other things about life. He and his wife Jan got me started into fly tying and taught me and my 9 year old son Adam the basics. He was an artistic man and loved to invent new and productive fish catching nymphs and streamers. He was very encouraging to my son both in fly tying and fishing. He wrote Adam a very nice letter when he learned that he had caught his first ever trout on a fly rod using Dave's "Pearly Killer" streamer.

He served our country in the Vietnam War and had a deep love for the USA and our soldiers who fight for it.

The circumstances of his death serve to reinforce basic gun safety rules which we must all respect to keep ourselves and others from tragedy. Dave certainly knew those rules and not being there, I will never understand how this could have happened.

I was looking forward to tying with him this winter and hooking up on some trout with him this spring. My only regret is to not have spent more time having serious discussions with Dave. We as men spend far too much time talking about superficial things in life rather than the permanent things like our relationship with God and our relationships with others.

My prayers are with Jan, his wife, and his children whom I have not yet met as they grieve this very sudden loss. May the Peace of our Lord surround them and you as well.
Sorry for your loss Luke as it sounds as though Dave meant a tremendous amount to you and your family. What's even more tragic is that it sounds as though his death was an accident and he left this earth too soon.
Luke I just now put the two stories together, as I remember reading about David's death in the paper. Sorry to hear for your loss, and I know what you mean about missed opportunities to talk about bigger, eternal matters. Peace be with you and your family.
My condolences to David's family and all who knew him. I met him last year at the Lancaster Fly Fishing Show and observed some of his ties. He was a very talented man.
I knew Dave very well when we were both younger. He went to my church and was my Sunday school teacher for high school grade students. I taught him how to tie flies in 10th grade at my parents kitchen table. I learned to tie myself in 9th grade and Dave sold my catskill pattern flies to Yellow Breeches fly shop when he fished there. We fished a handful of times together but I lost touch when I went into the Air Force. Years later, when I was into tournament bass fishing, I was in my jet boat fishing Speedwell lake when he was patrolling for the fish commission. It was fun to catch up on a lot of lost history. I was shocked to learn how he died. Just didn't seem to make sense for someone with his skills to have that kind of lapse in checking his weapon for live rounds. I know he was excited to go hunting as much as he was to go fishing.