Climate Change in PA

By the time we get definitive proof that climate change is occuring, that humans are the cause of it, and that we can do something about it, it will be too late.......

I really think that humans are way to egocentric on a lot of matters........but its comforting to out psyches to have the illusion of self-determination.

Continue to debate if it soothes your soul.....
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and the wisdom to know the difference."
I like that quote.

Fwiw, people often think I'm a hardline anti global warming guy since I'm a little skeptical of almost everything, in this case, the significance of man's hand in the issue. For the record, I feel that we must do something as soon as possible to fight the problem whether it makes a difference or not. We have too much to lose.
Yes, I agree the stakes are too high. I am willing to give in to the propaganda because it makes sense to be more energy effiecient from both and economic and foriegn policy standpoint. But we could be wrong and could have unforseen even more dire consequences of our efforts. Or we could be sucessful only to have a giant meteor pummel earth and have it all be a moot point. At least we'll have another couple Bono benefit concerts to enjoy because of it. Carpe diem.
im ready to do my part. i will gladly get rid of my car and forget about my bills. ill pack up my tent and all my camping supplies. then ill head north, way north to where the brookies get big. ill live off the land and become a trout bum. i have no problem with this! :-D
My car is a fishing machine.

It stays... sorry guys.


Other than that, trout bumming it sounds like a plan.