Any Idea What This Could Be?

Is that Nolt's Pond? And do they still stock the pond off of Stauffer Road, east of New Holland? Assuming the derby was sponsored by and stocked by Penn Dutch Sportsmen? I fished both as a kid but I'm not sure I ever recall catching anything in either pond!
I may be in the minority here, but I have a problem with people who impersonate police officers with fake uniforms and flashing lights on their car.

Similarly, IF the larger sign with the appearance of PFBC signage is indeed an impersonation, I'd be contacting the PFBC Regional Law Enforcement Office and ask them to take a look-see or at minimum ask them if it is a legit PFBC sign at a legit nursery.

Bottom line, I have no problems with posting private property but IF that is a fake agency sign that's NOT the way to keep people out and it is probably illegal.
No one should feed the ducks. Everyone, please allow the ducks to be wild animals and not get fed in every park across the country.

We duck hunters would appreciate it. Thanks.
Don't feed ducks or geese - they're just cows with wings that just bomb green manure everywhere. Don't feed any birds - if they're eating your store-bought seed, they won't eat any of the bugs that are eating my garden.

Is that Nolt's Pond? And do they still stock the pond off of Stauffer Road, east of New Holland? Assuming the derby was sponsored by and stocked by Penn Dutch Sportsmen? I fished both as a kid but I'm not sure I ever recall catching anything in either pond!

Yes, that is Nolt’s Pond and it was stocked by Penn Dutch. I don’t know anything about that other pond you mentioned. There was another big fishing derby for kids in the Conestoga Creek (now officially called a river) at Pool Forge on Saturday morning. I’m not sure if the trout for that derby come from the Beartown Sportsman’s Club, or elsewhere.

There’s a good chance that you could catch a fish in Nolt’s Pond if you were to fish there now. And, and even better chance if you had a good fishing guide, like me, when you fished there. 😊
I may be in the minority here, but I have a problem with people who impersonate police officers with fake uniforms and flashing lights on their car.

Similarly, IF the larger sign with the appearance of PFBC signage is indeed an impersonation, I'd be contacting the PFBC Regional Law Enforcement Office and ask them to take a look-see or at minimum ask them if it is a legit PFBC sign at a legit nursery.

Bottom line, I have no problems with posting private property but IF that is a fake agency sign that's NOT the way to keep people out and it is probably illegal.
no one said it was a fake sign.
I suggested that it didn't look official.
Its not official. I don't think that is in dispute. It only cites the agency who's regulations/laws would cover the water. It does not state the signs are PFBC signs or carry their logo or badge. I'm sure a real lawyer could clarify.
Its not official. I don't think that is in dispute. It only cites the agency who's regulations/laws would cover the water. It does not state the signs are PFBC signs or carry their logo or badge. I'm sure a real lawyer could clarify.

If they are putting a sign up about their water being covered under a PFBC law, and its not actually covered under said law, then I think the sign qualifies as being fake.
The sign looks like a PFBC sign in design, font, and layout. It also mentions the PA Fish & Boat Code and concludes with "Penalty for Violation as Provided by Law, Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission" which is the same verbiage used on PFBC posters in the same two line layout.

If it is a PFBC sign, the question is whether the pond is actually a cooperative nursery which may be a tempest in a teapot although I believe it is a violation of some sort to put up PFBC signs where they don't belong.

If the sign is a fake sign created to intimidate people, that could have other ramifications.

Rather than beat this horse to death with speculation, I referred it to PFBC Law Enforcement for clarification. I'll post any replies I get in regards to the matter. So far I was informed there was an approved permitted activity at the pond over the weekend so it may be a lot about nothing.
The OP stated that he found that the pond had been stocked for a fishing derby by a club. The sportsmens' club that stocked the pond is a coop nursery (I believe) and probably had a nursery sign or two around that they used as a deterrent to wannabe anglers. Wrong use of the sign, but nothing nefarious going on, from what I can tell. Probably works better than a "We stocked this pond for a fishing derby in the near future. There are lots of trouts in here. But please don't fish in the pond for now.".
If they are putting a sign up about their water being covered under a PFBC law, and its not actually covered under said law, then I think the sign qualifies as being fake.
I am pretty sure that ALL waters in PA are covered under PFBC laws. I am nearly certain that if I visit my brother, I need a license to fish in his pond and must abide by PFBC fishing rules, as well as the landowner rules. Technically speaking of course.

IMO, the reference to PFBC on that sign is redundant, but probably added because it isn't a no trespassing sign, just no fishing.
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I am pretty sure that ALL waters in PA are covered under PFBC laws. I am nearly certain that if I visit my brother, I need a license to fish in his pond and must abide by PFBC fishing rules, as well as the landowner rules. Technically speaking of course.

IMO, the reference to PFBC on that sign is redundant, but probably added because it isn't a no trespassing sign, just no fishing.
I agree with your points, however this sign specifically details that it is a co op nursery and that is the law that the sign specifically refers to. And hey, maybe it is a co op nursery, I don't know. Others suggested it doesn't meet the definition of said waters, so here we are.

I don't even have a dog in this fight, and nothing going on there is really a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but I agree with the others that a sign should not put up if it isn't really telling the truth.
The signs were fake, from the standpoint that they were not official PFBC signs, and I believe they were created by someone in the local sportsman’s club whose intentions were to keep people from fishing in the pond before the kid’s fishing derby. I don’t believe the intention was to mislead somebody, or to be dishonest in any way, although they certainly confused me when I read them. As far as I know, they did accomplish the objective which was to close the pond for fishing until after the derby which was held last Saturday morning.

At the end of the day, as far as I know the signs did no harm, other than confuse an old guy like me. In hindsight it would have been a lot clearer if the signs just said that the pond had been stocked with trout by the Penn Dutch Sportsman’s Club and was closed to fishing until after the kid’s fishing derby was held.
Since I haven't yet heard back from PFBC Law Enforcement I'll reserve judgement on whether the signs were authentic. However, why not make signs like I see posted at other places where fishing derbies are held with the name of the organization and/or property owner and CLOSED to fishing until a particular date?

I get that a real or fake PFBC sign might deter more people, but isn't PAFF where we generate 4 pages talking about people fishing out of season, when they are not supposed or with the wrong tackle...

...with a gazillion PFBC signs staring them in the face??
Clearly they were fake.