Another Fredrick Folly



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Fredrick and I hooked up to do a little bass fishin yesterday afternoon. We went to Marsh Creek Lake, near where I live. Fred wanted to try fishing from a kayak for the first time, so he could decide whether or not to buy one. I brought my Mokai, which I have an electric motor rigged on it for fishing lakes, and also brought my wife’s kayak for Fred to try out.

We unloaded the boats and equipment and carried it to the shore. I asked Fred if he wanted to wear his life jacket, and he told me “no, I’m a good swimmer, I’ll just stow it below.” I went back to the truck to lock it up. Just then, I heard Fred yelling for me. When I turned around all I could see was the bottom of the kayak facing me, and no Fred! I ran down to the water and saw that the kayak was listing to starboard about 20 degrees, and Fred was balancing the boat half an inch shy of swamping it, with his head ready to go under the water. I went out and righted him. When Fred began to breathe again, he put on his life jacket and started to paddle around a bit to get used to the kayak. After a few minutes of practice we were off. It was a decent afternoon and evening to fish, and we worked the shorelines and inlets with all kinds of topwater and sinking flies. Nothing great to report, we each caught a few small bass and some bluegills.

After Fred got out of the Kayak, he said that he thought his legs and butt we permanently paralyzed! I helped him to the truck and we made our way to the “Draughting Room”, a local bar down the road from where I live, that features hundreds of different beers. We ordered some food and had a few brews. Fred’s paralysis finally subsided. I’m not sure it was the beer made him forget about his paralysis, or the circulation in his butt actually returned. Whatever, Fred said he’s sticking to his pontoon boat for fishing.
WOW what a title :lol: . I went to scotts today and caught 5 on poppers the bass were jumping out of the water after the damsel flies so after everytime i seen one jump near me i would cast over and bam fish on . I still have to try the sit on top kayaks and then I will make my decesion on a new Native Ultimate 12 or a Scadden toon :-D I would of taken a bath if you wouldn't of helped me get my balance in that yak thxs for being there for me Tom . :-D
I feel your pain,Fredrick-seriously-lol
I am a really skinny guy so three hours on a kayak even with a cushion is pure torture-but don't give up-you grow to love them.Get a hobie if the price doesn't scare you.$1500 for the nine footer but its hands free in a foot of water or more.
Yah try being a fat guy going down the Yough...drunk.
Talk about torture. My *** was numb and my forhead was brushburned. Bad combo :-o
Fredrick and I gave the smallies a go twice in the last week. On Saturday, we fished Fredrick’s secret fishin’ hole on the Skuke. We did rather well, close to 30 SMs each. Nothing of real size for me, but Fred landed a real nice fat 16 inch smallie. Sorry Jack, since it’s Fredrick’s hole, I can’t reveal the location to spread out the pressure. Also, think about this, if Fred throws rocks at eagles and herons when they take his fishin’ spots, imagine what he’d do to me – I shutter to think about it.

Last night we took a trip to the Delaware River for smallies. We wade fished in the Riegelsville area from about 4:30 – 9:00pm. Not many fish, but we managed to land a few good ones on poppers at the end of the day.

One Fredrick folly to report. Fred and I were fishing maybe 50-60 yards apart, and he was upstream of me wading chest high. There was an exposed rock midriver in front of Fred, but I knew the water in between got pretty deep. I figured he knew what he was doing, so I wasn’t paying too much attention as I continued fishing facing downstream. I heard a splash and turned to look upstream, I spotted the rock, but no Fred. I saw something swimming in the water that looked like a gigantic beaver swimming with a branch between its teeth. I looked closer and realized it was Fred swimming the breaststoke midcurrent, with his rod clenched between his teeth! Fredrick emerged from the water while I waded up to make sure he was okay. He explained to me that he tried to reach the rock, and was already up to his neck, so he decided to swim back! Now there’s a guy that's not afraid to swim the extra mile to catch a fish.
Tom you forgot to comment on my perfect form :lol: