Zane Grey books



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
Awhile back, I said something like Zane Grey's books were "light reading. I was taken to task for that--rightfully so, I might add. I have just re-read Riders of the Purple Sage and have read Forlorn River and its sequel, "Nevada." The first one is Grey's most critically acclaimed book, and though it is a decent read, I enjoyed both of the others much more. Grey's descriptions of scenery are probably better than those of any other writer with whom I am familiar. I have a stack of Grey's books to read and re-read, so I think I am in for some enjoyable reading. Some of you might like his stuff, too, if you can find his books.
I've only done one or two ZG books, they just didn't pull me in.... Whereas Louis Lamour is one of my guility pleasures. I find it really hard to admit to people that I love his westerns, but damnit, I can't help it. As far as books go, they're formulaic crap, but there's just something abotu them that's made me read every single one, most more than once.

I don't get it.
The best thing about flea markets is rummaging through all the cheap westerns looking for a Louie Lamour book that I don't already have!
Zane Gray's Anglers Eldorado Zane Gray in New Zealand well worth the read.