

Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
I think the country is going down the crapper.

The New Dollar

You guessed it 'IN GOD WE TRUST' IS GONE!!!

Today I picked up at Bank of America several of the new $1.oo coins with the picture of George Washington on it. To my shock and dismay the words, "In God We Trust", are not on this coin!

A quick search of the other coin denominations in my collection confirmed that everyone contained these faithful words. The new George Washington $1.oo coin is the first money ever issued by the USA in modern history without the words "In God We Trust". By omitting these words, our politically correct, secularist leaders made a conscientious decision that either; 1) God does not exist, or 2) That God exist, but no longer be trusted.

Another quip.

It used to that immgrants came this country and assilimated to our society. (speaking from a family of all immigrants) Today, people come here to work, save all their money and then go back from where they came. Nothing wrong with that but they should not be labled US citizens in my opinion. "Push two for English!"
I thought they just moved the "In God we Trust" to the edge of the coin. You might want to check, i think it is still there.
This should explain it, if you're referring to the coins that is.
That is what i thought.$1coin/index.cfm?action=$1coinFlash

If anyone comes across some coins that do not have the edge printing, it was a mistake. Hang on to them. Mint mistakes can be quite collectable.
I heard on Fox news that God moved to Cuba for the free health care and warmer climate.

I'll second the advice on keeping the coin. Those coin collectors are weird dudes. They will pay big money for stuff like that.
ryanh wrote:
I heard on Fox news that God moved to Cuba for the free health care and warmer climate.

I'll second the advice on keeping the coin. Those coin collectors are weird dudes. They will pay big money for stuff like that.

Easy, I used to collect coins. :-D

OK, you are correct Ryan. I just did a quick check on Ebay, and this one is only a Penny.
Other people have already noted that the inscription is still there. but would it really have been so terrible if it were not? The inscription was added in the 50s. The country did fine for 150 years without it. And I think most people would agree that the role of religion in our national life has decreased, not increased, since that time.
Wow, I did another search, and there is even a site for nothing but mint errors.

I always knew there were people who collected just the errors, but it is more popular than i thought.

I just did another search, and I'll give you 3 dollars a piece for these dollar coins with missing edge printing. Don't bother checking the value. Trust me.;-)

Seriously, If that is what you got, it seems they are selling for quite a bit. But keep in mind that if they turn out to be quite common, the price will drop like a rock. However, they will alswys be worth a buck so you can't lose. :-D
Edges of the coin- correct.
Will, do you really think that is a good subject to get into at this site?

By the way, I recently read that over half of the signers of the declaration of independance were actually ministers? I don't know if it is true, but i did hear that recently ... from a politician though.
Ok, two things...first Will didn't bring it up..the original poster did.
Second, there is only one other thing that is more potentially flammable than talking politics and that is talking religion.

Fortunately, in this country three or so of the men who wrote the Constitution and also signed the Declaration decided you have the right to practice either in such a manner as you choose.

However, if you think that this thread isn't going to the way of other threads that have tippy toed along the fence until they fell off you are wrong. I'm gonna try and stay out of this one but I will go on record as saying that furthering this discussion is a bad idea.
No need to talk down to me, Tom. I actually agree with you. But up until then I had steered it away from a religious discussion.

I had no intentions to go down that path.

P.S. By the way, I checked, and the politician was wrong or I heard him wrong (as I expected). Not even close.
Wasn't talking down to anyone...I did think it was unfair to blame Will for something that was already 6 posts along. I don't know how more cautiously neutral I could have possibly been. I was playing off you previous post but not to be condescending.
Ryanh wrote:

“Those coin collectors are weird dudes. They will pay big money for stuff like that.”

What about fly fishers?…..

Tom, First I have one thing to say to you!!!

I apologize.

I was in no way trying to blame Will for starting this and if you read that first sentence again, you might see that. However, based on a PM from Will, it seems that you are not the only one who felt I was doing that, and he explained his position.

I wrote it, therefore it is my fault. I think it was my last part that screwed it up.
I agree with Will. I don't need the government to tell me who or what to trust, nor do I think anyone is less American if they either do not believe in or trust God.

Now, to get back to the topic of this thread....

Oh, this IS the topic of the thread. :-D
Jack: Just to be clear, the points you are making are not quite the same as the one I chose to make.
I was just checking the weather satellite looking at the rainfall, and I just picked up a stray lightening bolt on Doppler radar that touched down somewhere in the vicinity of Monessen, PA!

Are you okay Jack?

Just kidding. Jack when you are in court, and a witness is sworn in, what book are they swearing to?

"One of the ever-present signs of Christian privilege and supremacism in America has been the use of Bibles in American courtrooms. For a time, atheists weren't even allowed to testify in courts because they either wouldn't swear on the Bible or, if they did, their oath couldn't be trusted."

What book is used when politicians and judges are sworn into office?
>>What book is used when politicians and judges are sworn into office?>>

If it were up to me, they'd use Robert Travers' "Trout Magic".

But I'm just one voice and not a particularly well adjusted one at that...:)