Stuck Rod



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
York, Pennsyltucky
Well I did it again...drove off from the parking lot with my rod on top of the car...fell off and landed on the butt which caused the tip section to get jammed on the butt section. I've tried the behind the legs trick. double arm pulls, any other ideas gang? I even pulled a snake guide off trying to get it apart.

It's a Diamondback standard trout so I can return it NQA but it's getting a little embarrassing to return rods for stupid reasons.

What about heating it or cooling it?

Try cooling the male portion by wrapping it in an ice pack, when it gets really cold, try the behind the knees technique. If that fails, heat the female end with a blowdryer and try again. I've never attempted this, but if pressure alone won't work, maybe temperature differential will.
The temperature trick should work. It works for me when done fishing. I start fishing at sunrise and finish between 12-1. By tnen the heat of he day gets the rod stuck. So I just hold the rod in the water to cool it down and it pulls apart real easy.
I got it apart...I had put it in the Garage last evening after fishing. It went down to 53 last night. So after reading the responses, I though what the heck. I put on a pair of "nubby" grip gloves and did the behind the knee thing and it cam apart. I thought for sure I was going to break it. My knees were shaking like heck but I didn't lose the grip. That is the key.. the grip. Nubby grip gloves rule!

Anyway, thanks guys~


Still have to put on another snake guide...but thats better than sending it back again.
Maurice, not again, how many times is this?

You need to get one of those magnetic thing you put on the side of your car like have.

Glad to see you got it apart!
PaulG wrote:

You need to get one of those magnetic thing you put on the side of your car like have.

Yeah thats all I need...then I'd be dragging the rod all the way home!
Maurice - When you fix your rod, rub a little parrafin wax on the male end of the ferrule (canning wax or a birthday candle work well) and rub over the ferrule with your fingers to melt the wax and distribute it evenly. That should help prevent it from getting stuck again. St. Croix even goes so far as to include a little block of parrafin with their rods.......Ed
This is an add on to the parafin post. I have heard and practice the following; rub the male end on the side of your nose (you know where it is oily). It works for me, but may just be something stupid that you tell kids to do when they are little to shut them up. 20 years later they are posting it on an internet board. Anyhow try it, it may save you from having to carry a candle with you. Or ripping of a snake guide.
Moe, I don’t know if this will work on the rods of today, but when the ferrules were made of metal I would oil the male ferrules from the oil from the crease between the nose and cheek.

I knew there was a reson that i liked you. Apperently great minds DO think alike!!
I was told by a fly shop owner to use wax so the rod would stay together. Don't know if the oil from your nose will work with graphite. Work on metal though.
Maurice - too many of my buds do the car door slam or drive off with the rod on roof tricks. My prevention is to always put the rod on the windshield, using the wiper if necessary (say in in wind).

Unless your vision is really impaired, you just might notice the rod before driving off. Plus on the windshield, the rod is a long way from doors and tailgates.

I make it an unwavering habit to put my rod and reel away FIRST, before I take off my waders or vest. As a result I have never had the problems described herein.

The idea from Lestrout sounds like a good one for you! At least your eyes are good :)
could someone describe the 'behind the knee' trick? the only 'behind the knee' trick i know is used for stringing a recurve bow.
OK here goes....your legs are stronger than your arms.

Take your stuck rod holding it horizontaly and put the ferrule behind and between your knees. Keeping your knees together, squat down holding the rod tightly with some sort of rubber grip on the outside of your knees. (use gloves, something that wont slip) Then using the strength of your upper legs, spread your knees apart.

You may experience sweating, shaking and perhaps a brain hemmorage but it works. The key is the grip. Unless you have chicken legs...then it may be a little tougher.
