beadhead2 - how do you ?



Well-known member
Sep 10, 2006

I was looking at the fly you tied for the swap last night. How the heck do you weave the body? Can your share the technique ?
I have a friend who does this and I never bothered to have him show me but THIS looks like a simple :roll: method. Not sure if its the same as we received though.
Loum is the master at weaves in my book...Beadhead2 is right behind him now...of course hank copied all lous patterns lou says...
You are right I have copied his patterns ,how do you think I got so rich ???????????
In all honesty Lou is a great teacher
Yes that is the way it is done ,only I used embroidery thread instead.
You can use a lot of different materials
I always really like the look and tried it once but i'm way to lazy to do that for very long..nice stuff...
thats really cool, i tried test tying that pattern while my larva lace arrives. close but i think somethings off, just doesnt look the same.
Looking at some of the closeup shots that Ted Faucegli has in his book mayflies you would think a woven body would do a great job mimicking the abdomen of many duns. Of course the materials often used for nymphs would tend to be either heavy of hold too much water for a dry fly. But with the right material? Might be an interesting project.
beadhead2 wrote:
You are right I have copied his patterns ,how do you think I got so rich ???????????
In all honesty Lou is a great teacher

Don't get his head swelled up until after he teaches me how to tie mayfly wings. I owe both you guys a beer tonight.
How long does it take you to tie this woven fly? I love the looks of it but am not sure if I have the time to tie something so detailed. The swap flies are awesome, cannot wait to fish them if I can ever get out to the stream anytime soon.
It doesn't take very long at all once you get the weaving technique down, which isn't that hard either. I was really suprised when I first tried it as to how relatively simple it was, but they look for cool. Just look at some examples online or if you have a book that shows weaving techniques and just follow the steps.
I think beadhead2 just pays lou to tie, or plumbob....heheheh
It reminds me of those lace key chain things I yous to weave in camp
there are like 6 differewnt weaves you can do..George grant was a master at weaving..Horse mane is good to weave
Lou is really good with weaving. You should see some of the early pot holders he's done while at the home. I think tonight is his happy night, they serve ice cream. :-D :-D
yeah, with chocolate sprinkles.. :-D
I have never timed myself tying woven patterns ,once you get the technic down it doesn't take that long to tie a woven pattern ,of course thats on a good day when my hands and fingers are working good !!!!!! oh thank god for the golden years ,I see the outcome everyday when I visit the bathroom !!!!!!!!
henry, what no depends yet??
Picked up this crazy woven fly today, wish i was just that good.