Upper LJR work



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
If you go to the LJRA website, you can read that the workdays on the upper river seemed to go well. Mark Nale wrote about the project in the CDT last weekend.
(No, guiltily, I was not there: I got a cortisone shot in my right shoulder on Monday and was told to take it easy. I didn't even fish till Thursday.)
But, it sounds like they had just about enough help and that the work should slow down erosion in that area. Kudos to the LJRA and its president, Bill Andeson.
I know the middle of the week is a tough time for younger people. But the details are that the work was completed, but there were people in the 55-65 yo group doing things people that age shouldn't be doing to get it done. You can never have enough volunteers, especially younger ones. It's sort of reinforced by the demographics and realities of life. Older people (who might be retired) have more time to do these things make up a large portion of the labor, but they are not as physically adept at it. This problem applies to almost any volunteer activity. I'm sure others can tell similar stories at the events they participated in.

So if you are younger and can make it to an event- river clean up, working at a concession booth at a sporting event (long hours on your feet), Lions club event etc. please consider doing so.

Low water clean up coming soon, in September I believe.
Older people don't have more time, they just make the time. I'm not criticizing anyone. IT's just that as you age priorities gradually change from raising kids or having them to other things. I'n 63 and I haven't yet met any younger folks that can get as much done in a day as I can. I will say though in the last couple of years I've slowed down, I've got nothing more to prove.
During my tenure as a TU officer at our local chapter we had a guy that was at every stream project for about 12 years, last time he was out planting trees he was 86.