Nasty odor!



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
driving home from a job this afternoon, I went past the drilling rig about a mile up the road from me and noticed a God-awful odor in that area, giving me an instant headache. I mean really nasty, can't even describe it, never smelled anything like it before. I'm just glad the damn thing isn't any closer to my house.
can't imagine working on one of those things, yep, you'll make a bunch of money, then die in 6 years!
Close to Rt 19? And Slippery Rock Creek? Anything could happen. That watershed is already struggling with issues. Last thing it needs.
it's about a mile and half from the slippery rock, but there are others that are closer. there are also wells within a mile of hell run. hopefully no harm comes to the streams or folks wells, and hopefully they get drilled and get the F out of here.
Amen brother.
I noticed the same thing back in mid-May. Was fishing a wild trout stream in northern Centre, and had to drive out a ridge past two big sites and park less than a quarter-mile from the closest one. I could smell whatever that stench is as I approached the first one, and it didn't subside until I started to hike down into the valley. It also gave me a bit of a headache and slight burning in the nostrils. The fishing was still exceptional... for now...
What does this smell like? Any ideas what the substance is that's causing the smell?
troutbert wrote:
What does this smell like? Any ideas what the substance is that's causing the smell?

I wish I could describe it better... I dunno, kinda diesel-ish...? It was more the irritation it caused my nose than the actual smell itself.
yeah, it's hard to describe, never smelt anything like it, and I've been around some nasty stuff in my time, lots of race fuels and such, (which actually smell good!). this odor was different than anything I've smelt before, and I never want to smell it again.
I've heard similar reports of smells coming from the pools where they store the nasty water. Some type of bacteria.

I don't know much about it. But if that's the cause, you'd think it'd be fairly easy to take care of.
Biker.......You knew the whole thing stunk before you actually smelled it.
ha ha!! so true!
Since your from that area (I live in Neshannock) could you tell me if Hettenbough Run starts near that well?

Jim Kearney
Jim, yes, hettenbough is the closest creek to the well. the well sits on the mayberry sawmill property, which is pretty much where hettenbough begins.

Thanks for the info. I thought as much and I am going to monitor the stream for TU. I see this almost daily on my commute to the 'Burgh. One of three wells to be drilled on the Mayberry property.

Jim Kearney
thanks for monitoring it Jim. keep us posted if you find anything.
bikerfish wrote:
it's about a mile and half from the slippery rock, but there are others that are closer. there are also wells within a mile of hell run. hopefully no harm comes to the streams or folks wells, and hopefully they get drilled and get the F out of here.

OK, which one of you boneheads told them to go to Hell?