


Jan 2, 2010
After a day fishing around Rockport up in the Lehigh gorge, I wake up to my Sunday paper and coffee and a story about the Lehigh coal Company and ramped up production. It answers all my fears and questions about the coal fragments and insipid black dust that covers the streambed in some parts of the watershed, the lack of significant insect life and hence scarcity of fish, especially with the concentration of toxins due to the low water levels. If this is the result of years of conservation efforts I'm glad I didn't have to see the effects of AMD before anyone cared even a little. It's very sad. I prefer not to fish in urban settings because I live in one and this is my escape from that reality but apparently the energy companies come with jobs to depressed areas and have their way with the land and consider the water a second class resource.How can anyone think the gas companies are not going to totally disrupt the balance of nature, given the still active lessons of the last 200 years and the blessing of those we elect to protect our best interests?
Any links to online versions of the story?
It was in the inquirer business section