Blue Herons



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
This was in yesterdays Pittsburgh Tribune Review.
(the only real paper in Pittsburgh that is not totally jaded toward liberals- btw)

Herons pop up 32%. WOW
Tribune-Review: Right of FOX.
acristickid wrote:
This was in yesterdays Pittsburgh Tribune Review.
(the only real paper in Pittsburgh that is not totally jaded toward liberals- btw)

You are right there. The Trib isn't for anything. They are against everything. Their "opinions" span every section of the paper. They just relabel editorials as "analysis" or something less obvious so they don't have to put facts in their articles. The one s they actually put on their "Opinion" page are full of false statements and accusations.
I know a public figure that had some false information printed in "Whispers." They called and explained the falsity and said "I know that it is considered an opinion column, but can you just make stuff up?" Their reply: "We try not to just make stuff up."
I actually like the tribs outdoor section better that the post gazette.
But I would never buy it, because the rest of the paper is so slanted toward the right IMO
I see you guys care more about politics than herons- hehe.

So your saying that the Post Gazette is liberal- good enough for me.
To Paul's original point, herons are definitely in the increase. In my youth, they were a rare and wonderous sight, Now they are almost commonplace.

I subscribe to the Trib!
Yes, there are a lot of herons...

Alby, in Westmoreland we have to get the Trib. They do fine with the regular news. PG doesn't cover anything out here. Its just funny when they call out the "liberal media" and then slant their editorials in the opposite direction just as far. Often times "facts" in their editorials conflict greatly with information printed in real news stories just a page or two away. They just choose to ignore reality.
I can see Fredrick staking out sycamores right now.
I wonder if they -- herons not conservatives -- can deplete a fishery. Although both have been blamed to do so, I've seen herons easily pick off stockies on Neshannock Creek. And I'll never forget the old timer I met last year on Penns who showed me a picture of a heron downing a wild brownie of at least 15 inches, and probably bigger.
I wish I could, The only thing I'm stalking now is the diaper gennie :lol:
"We've been seeing herons everywhere we go," says Beth Fife. "The expanding population is really due to better water quality, more abundance of wetlands, everything."

Well yes and no. I think the Herons have discovered welfare in the form of the Pennsylvania Fish Commission. Think of it as unwed Heron mothers and trout welfare babies. As far as conservative bashing, please take a look how our illustrious liberal governor is selling our wild areas to the Oil and gas developers. I have a feeling we aren't going to fare any better with any administration. So whether the trib is conservative or the post gazette is liberal...

There is unrest in the forest,
There is trouble with the trees,
For the maples want more sunlight
And the oaks ignore their pleas.

The trouble with the maples,
(And they're quite convinced they're right)
They say the oaks are just too lofty
And they grab up all the light.
But the oaks can't help their feelings
If they like the way they're made.
And they wonder why the maples
Can't be happy in their shade.

There was trouble in the forest,
And the creatures all have fled,
As the maples scream "Oppression!"
And the oaks just shake their heads

So the maples formed a union
And demanded equal rights.
"The oaks are just too greedy;
We will make them give us light."
Now there's no more oak oppression,
For they passed a noble law,
And the trees are all kept equal
By hatchet, axe, and saw.
I raise heron's from eggs. Since they are protected under the US Migratory Bird Treaty Act I raise them and set them free to kill all the dumb rainbow trout and brook chars so the precious brown trout can flourish.
Heron populations are probably up for the same reason that osprey and bald eagle populations are up, which is the banning of DDT.
I caught this big native and it had these marks on it. I was thinking they came from a close call with a Heron? It was in the middle of nowhere, so I don't think it was fishing related.


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I would suspect an eagle or osprey as they like to sink their talons into that area particularly.
What did blue heron populations do before DDT was invented?
That there is such a thing as Liberal Media is a myth perpetuated by the right wing in this country. It started during the Nixon Years with his VP, Spiro Agnew. Hasn't stopped yet.
Don't know what they did before DDT, but they've been rebounding since DDT was banned.
Chaz - I don't follow your political rants. Are you pro liberal media or anti-liberal media??
How are you obtaining the heron eggs?