"How to Kill a Reborn River"

Wow just wow
Face it. Most people just want to catch fish. They could care less if they are wild.

That said I believe their has been a recent decision to not stock the Elwha this year. At least it's a start.
Tribal goals butting heads with those of wild fish advocates isn't unique to the Elwha, it is common on many western rivers, from what I understand.

Both sides have needs/principles they consider intractable.

One side wants the return of wild fish and a wild ecosystem. The other side wants food to eat.

Along those lines:
My experience: If you want to be a lightning rod in Washington State, just tell almost anyone who enjoys the outdoors for seemingly almost any activity that you are a fisheries biologist and you are apt to start something that you wish you hadn't. It doesn't matter that you are a Pennsylvania biologist and only vacationing in Washington State; you're still likely to get an ear full from either side.
This is much bigger than this. I've lived and worked in the west for the better part of 15 years. The simple fact of the matter is that wild stocks are severely depleted and without supplemental stocking they may go extinct! These fish are bred from wild stock and do return to natal waters and behave "wild". this is not a matter of catching a wild vs stocked fish but rather perpetuating a species in that geographic area.
Regarding Mike's comment about fisheries biologists; it is correct. I have seen bumper stickers that read "save fish...kill a biologist"
What a surprise!

PC State and Federal government agencies serving their own interests with expedient measures that make no scientific or environmental sense.

Who would have Thunk!

If anyone thinks the EPA and Department of the Interrior are really about environmental protection, preservation, and restoration they are sorely mistaken.

The Government seems to have an infinite capacity to screw up even the best intentioned of projects and end up pleasing no one.

"The road to hell is paved with their good intentions."