Quill Gordon Summit Roll Call and Food Prep!



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
Quill Gordon (March Brown?) Summit: 4/26-4/28, Potter County, PA.

A little more than a month to go, we should start trying to assemble a roll call and food prep. Some of that is already going on in the other thread, let's start a nice fresh thread for the final countdown. We talked about doing "pot luck" for food, everyone bringing stuff and having it all be one big communal food bank.

So who's in, when are you coming up, and are you willing to contribute to the food/drink pot?

I'll be up in Potter late Thursday morning. I'd like fish the entire stretch of the wild brook trout enhancement water on Lyman Thursday late morning into the afternoon. (5+ miles).

As I said, the cabin has 2 fridges, a big industrial flat top stove, a gas range, and a microwave.
I should be there, and I'll be happy to bring some breakfast stuff, eggs potatos sausage and such, maybe some scrapple!
I'll be there Friday evening and I was planning on bringing 20# of ground and some (5ish or so pounds) of potatoes. No one else has to bring potatoes, I literally have a barn full of them.

I was also planning on bring some chips, ketchup, mustard, rolls and cheese.

Also, a case or two of beer.
Awesome. I'll bring bottled water for us and some other non-alcy beverages. The cabin is pretty stocked on paper supplies. I'll talk to my dad about what else we can bring. I'm sure we'll load up on some salsa and whatnot, snack type things for the late evenings.

I was thinking we can probably just eat lunches out on the road.

I'll be coming up Thursday night. Bringing BBQ chicken & macaroni salad and of coarse BEER.
Sas, I'll be up Friday Probably mid day. I'll bring some venison Sausage, some jerky, a case of beer, maybe some "snakebite " medicine. Oh and ADVIL.
Guys I'm going to mark the telephone pole by our lane somehow to make it much more visible. Maybe an Irish flag wrapped around it haha! I'll let you know what I decide.
Get a blow up doll from an adult novelty shop. That should do it!
I'll be able to be around Friday & I'm willing to escort 2-3 guys who want to go to some very nice beaver ponds. Oh the stream is not too bad either! Not sure if I can fish Saturday until it gets closer. Also if anyone needs some out of the out of the way spots that you don't get from the books or internet I'll be glad help.

I have some of my wild goose pastrami with me.
Brad it sounds like only a few of us will be up prior to Friday evening, so beaver ponds are on!
DaveS wrote:
Get a blow up doll from an adult novelty shop. That should do it!

Oh that will go over well, Dave!
I'll be there Thursday at some point. There are some streams that I'd like to fish on the way up, so I'm not quite sure what time. Food to be determined at a later date. Was going to bring a keg of homebrew but if I'm going to be stopping on the way I won't be able to leave the kegerator in the back. So..... I'll be bringing cases. If anyone wants to meet me Thursday to fish some amazing brookie streams between Clearfield and there let me know.
I'll be here and open for anyone that needs...special fly's etc. and squashy have a few things for you to take to cabin..I can fish on sunday if anyone is staying longer. Brad don't show our secret spot .........
I'm a 'maybe'. Don't really know if I can make it yet. Don't really want to drive that far without a companion. An my van isnt the best on long road trips. Comfortable but a little unreliable.
I'll also bring some coffee, gotta have coffee, real coffee! not sure when I'll be arriving, sometime thursday i guess, gonna be fishing the entire week somewhere in PA.
One month from tomorrow, gang! Sal, my dad, and myself will be heading up EARLY on Thursday. We plan on fishing the entire Wild Brook Trout enchancement area of Lyman Run. Is anyone planning on arriving Thursday, and if so, what time? I want to make sure we're back to the cabin to welcome anyone.

It looks like a trip to Slate Run is definitely in order for the weekend. Does anyone have any other streams they're dying to hit? Sounds like The Pine may be turned off because of the cold weather we've been having. Thoughts?
The only other one that would really really peak my interest is Oswayo. Some dang nice fish in that creek, if you can locate them and then catch them.
We fished it last year and pretty much got our tails kicked. That's where I caught that LIGHTNING TROUT!!!!!!!! haha!

I wouldn't mind trying the Alley either, but hey. Last year Csoult kind of had a list in mind and we pretty much discussed where we wanted to go before each day. I'm open to that again! We all had our little PA stream books and made decisions. Gotta talk about something around the dinner table at night!