NJ summer flounder email survey received



Well-known member
Nov 10, 2006
Precipitated by proposed, more conservative regulations for 2017, the approximately 60 question survey was, I assume, sent to a random sample of marine license holders. Many topics were covered, but I found it particularly interesting that one subject which concerns me across a range of fisheries was addressed by a number of questions. It had to do with various aspects of "discard mortality" and methodologies to reduce it. That is mortality caused by the catch and release of generally sub legal fish, although legal fish released would also be included. The reference to "deck time" was interesting, which was an assumed reference to boat angling, but more broadly is the amount of time anglers have a fish out of the water while trying to unhook a fish that they intend to release.
I received that survey and filled it out.

I'm only a casual flounder angler and usually target them only when bass and blues are not around. Also, as one who mainly fly fishes, I pointed out in the comments section that I believed that my incidental mortality of released fish was low. Interestingly, the questions about mortality also lacked a choice for deep hooked fish, focusing instead on bait type and hook type. Not a well crafted set of questions IMO.

I told the survey that the proposed rule change would have no effect on my planned trips, money spent, etc.