Adventures in Brown Lining



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
I stumbled into this website about catching carp in western Pa thought I might share .
It's pittflyguy. See his signature.

Stumbled... pfft. You've wading in that nasty sewage water too long! :-D
Yeah I put two and two together but I actualy found it here before I realized who it was
I had a warm water adventure yesterday.

Was wading around a marshy pond yesterday pursuing some carp when I started to sink up towards my knee. It happened a few times before that afternoon and I just would lift one leg to harder ground and back track. This time was not so easy- could get my leg up before it was sinking too far that I could not lift it out.

Had to do the rod toss and went down on all fours. Image some real slimy black stinky mud- now image some really really stinky mud and that is what I was tangling with. Uggh. My legs were covered to my knees and my arms were filthly to my elbows. But I got to wash off in some brown water so you know that was fun.

Some things you do to go fishing. Did I mention how fun the brush beating was or that I did not hook a single fish?

Thanks for the shout out! I started my silly little blog because I was looking for a way to catalog my fishing life and not have to email pics to 5 different fishing buddies as well!

I figure if a person or two finds my musings to be humorous then I made the world a better place. Hopefully the folks on this board know already that I don't take myself too seriously or profess to be an authority on any subject let alone fly fishing!

Anyway, thanks for the plug. :)