Releasing Fish



Staff member
Sep 9, 2006
Releasing Trout #1

Maybe this has been covered in a previous forum. What have you found to be the most efficient way to safely unhook trout over 12"? Under 12" I can usually reach for the hook and shake it loose. Over 12", I try to balance getting them to net without exhausting them, but that leaves them pretty difficult. I have tried the device that slides down the line, hemostats, and my fingers. A lot of times I seem to be one hand short.

Posted on: 2006/6/2 14:24

Re: Releasing Trout #2

Holding them upside down (belly up) they usually lay still.

Posted on: 2006/6/2 18:18

Re: Releasing Trout #3

For me, it depends on the situation. My first option is to release them without using a net, but it depends on things like how active the fish is when I get him to me, how big the hook is, how he's hooked, and so on. The idea is to try to release him as quickly as possible and with as little handling as possible. If a net will help me do this, I use a net. For bigger fish I need to use the net more often. My first option for getting the hook out is to use my fingers, and if that isn't possible or looks like it will result in handling the fish excessively, I'll use the hemostat. I got one of those Ketch'emrelease things, but I found it too difficult to use. Maybe with practice it would work well. And as live2fish said, I hold them upside down to calm them down if I have to pick them up.

Posted on: 2006/6/3 11:35
Dave, below/above is an example of what I can do to migrate some of the threads manually over the next several days/weeks if you would like. If not feel free to delete this thread.
Upsidedown seems to work well. Barbless hooks help. Do you want to enjoy the fight , play them out? use heavier tackle?It can be difficult enough to catch them in the first place, let alone.... bla bla bla. I take each situation individually. Sometimes you just kill them without trying and either you eat them or an eagle does. FYI, I like to catch rainbows at an orvis outfitted anglers feet, pull up rodtip, they jump at thier feet, and they wade away talking to themselves and shaking their heads. With my homade rod and Unkle joes woodshed gear! And I'm good at it!

Bring anything over you can is fine. I may just try to set up each for with a few of the last posts just to keep things going.
