In the Company of Rivers



Well-known member
Nov 20, 2006
This book, subtitled "An Angler's Stories and Recollections," but also called on the rear cover "a witty collection of fly-fishing short stories," is probably 40 - 50% fly-fishing. Its author, a Pennsylvanian named Ed Quigley, tends to become sidetracked from his fishing to recount the food he eats and the alcohol he drinks on his various excursions, especially on trips to England and to Walkers Cay. These trips demonstrate that Quigley is from the "upper 1%" and that he gets to visit places that most of us will never see, not that that's a strike against him or the book. The book suffers from some poor proofreading. For instance, there are "lightening" storms, not lightning storms.

Now, having put the negatives in perspective, there is still enough good reading in the book to make it worth your while if you can find it online, as my wife did for two dollars plus $3.99 postage. Quigley does some fly-fishing in various areas of the world, including having spent 27 weeks of his life fly-fishing for the monster brook trout of the Minipi drainage. Among his visits is a chapter dedicated to The Anglers' Roost in NYC, an article that some of you older guys on this board might remember from a long-ago issue of Fly Fisherman. Quigley also writes of a stay at a Kettle Creek B&B, with the chapter dealing with the B&B and not with the fishing.

However, there is enough of interest in this book to keep you busy with some nice fireside reading for a number of evenings. I often whine that there are too many how-to/where-to books and not enough books about fly-fishing experiences out there. This one does emphasize the experiences of a fisherman, though not just fly-fishing and not just fishing. Even so, it is worth a couple bucks and does provide some enjoyable moments of reading.

(Sorry so long)