small trib water temps this time of year



Well-known member
Jul 29, 2009
I want to fish a new small shaded trib, so I am trying to guess its afternoon water temps on Sunday (41F PM air temp after 13F night) and Monday (51F PM air temp after 29F night). Easier to go on Sunday. Trib has about 5% gradient, btw.

Anyone have thoughts on how to guess the two PM water temps?

Wait til the weather is more stable in a few weeks? :)
Personally, I would go fishing and give it a try as long as the water isnt frozen. I have found success with WT as low as 32-33* on the thermometer this year. To be fair that was on a larger tailwater stream but I wouldn't hesitate to go and fish those trib's as long as they have fish-able flows.
yeah, probably will go sunday even w/ weather issue. monday I have more trouble getting away.

also the stream is a small forested one, in a bedrock area that may tend to lead to some acidity in water, so it will probably/hopefully have brookies and they might feed a bit more in cold water than brown trout. have caught a brookie or two on dry flies in 37F water this year.

if it seems good, I can go back later. .. stream is fairly steep, but with some ice forming and melting slowly, monday PM water may not be too much warmer than sunday PM water anyhow.?
Let us know how you do. I will probably be going out tomorrow. I which seems half way decent with a high of 38. Then the it's getting cold for a few days.
I've caught brookies in 13 degree temps before. Water temp might be 40 there. You never know. Just go check it out.
Based on forecast air temps you reported it appears you may be in SS region. Stream temps measured today between noon and 3 PM were 41-44 oF.

Hope this info helps you formulate your plans.
I'd say the temps will be in mid-upper 30's. Maybe a little warmer if flows are high, because then they might still be holding some warmth from last week (Saturday morning I took a water temp of 52 on a Catoctin Mountain headwater brookie stream). But if water is low, those cold nights are gonna have a huge impact on water temps.
thanks for all the responses.

MBWCC's 43 water temp report for yesterday - it was pretty warm - is interesting.

Maybe despite a 10 degree warmer daytime air temp forecast for Monday vs Sunday (and 16 degree higher overnight forecast), the stream would not really be 10 degrees warmer on Mon PM vs Sun PM.

Sarce mentioned that trib water may be less cold after a night of cold air when flows are higher ... makes sense to me (less leftover ice w/ higher flows).

Also might help a bit that the stream has some gradient (5%).... less ice with faster flows...

It's not a swampy area, water should be clear enough to see fish. Area is known for acid rain impacts, but this trib has mixed bedrock headwaters. I can see if there is an elevated level of dissolved aluminum, which would be present at moderately high flows in a trib w/ major acid rain impact.