Yellowstone river closure



Well-known member
May 29, 2009
hopefully it stays contained.
Yep just saw this too.


Montana wildlife officials have closed a lengthy stretch of the Yellowstone River to all recreational activities at the height of the summer tourist season following the deaths of thousands of fish this week from a rare but virulent microbial parasite.

The drastic move, announced on Friday, was aimed at preventing the parasite's spread to other waters in a state where fly fishing is a cherished pastime for residents and a key draw for visiting anglers who spend millions of dollars in pursuit of elusive trout in pristine waters.

The closure, imposed by the state Fish, Wildlife and Parks agency, covers more than 150 miles (240 km) of the Yellowstone River and its tributaries outside Yellowstone National Park. Fishing, boating and all other recreational activities are prohibited indefinitely.

Fish and Wildlife Director Jeff Hagener said the closure "will have a significant impact on many people," but is necessary "to protect this public resource for present and future generations."

The agency has found more than 2,000 dead mountain whitefish along stretches of the Yellowstone River, with an estimated 20,000 or more whitefish presumed killed in the massive outbreak. Some rainbow trout and Yellowstone cutthroat trout have also been affected.

A microscopic parasite is infecting fish with proliferative kidney disease, a rare but serious condition that has only been found in two isolated spots in Montana over the past two decades. It poses no risk to humans, officials said.

Low stream flows and higher water temperatures this summer have exacerbated the effects of the disease on fish populations in the Yellowstone.

The closed river section runs from the northern boundary of Yellowstone National Park, at Gardiner, and continues east and south nearly to Billings, the state's largest city.

It comes just as Gardiner prepares to host a celebration next week marking the centennial of the National Park Service.

Biologists are monitoring waters inside the park, but there are no current plans to expand the closure upstream inside the park's boundary, park spokeswoman Charissa Reid said. Anglers in Yellowstone are being asked to wash and disinfect their waders, rods and other gear to prevent the spread of the parasite.

Wildlife officials said the closure could last weeks or months, depending on weather, stream flows and other factors.

Walter Wiese, head fishing guide at Park's Fly Shop in Gardiner, said an extended closure would be tough for regional fishing businesses, as well as others along the river, such as whitewater rafting guides.

"If it's a threat to the Yellowstone River trout population, we support it, but I hope it doesn't last too long," Wiese said.

Governor Steve Bullock called the fish kill "a threat to Montana's entire outdoor economy and the tens of thousands of jobs it sustains."

Outdoor recreation supports more than 64,000 Montana jobs and brings in almost $6 billion annually, Bullock said.
^ That's some list, Rolf!

Here's from another article:

“It’s not unknown for PKD to kill up to 90 percent of a population,” said Jack Williams, senior scientist at Trout Unlimited. “With climate change we will see more low flows and warm temperatures, making disease problems worse.”

Low water flows and warm temperatures created a perfect storm for PKD. The Yellowstone is the lowest it has been since 1919, less than half of it’s normal flow this time of year. Water temperatures at Livingston have hovered around 70 degrees and fish are crowded in less space, a perfect storm to spread disease.

link to source:

High summer temps cause even a decent snowpack to melt all at once in late spring and early summer leaving low flows and high temps by mid to late summer.

I rented a cabin along the Yellowstone last year between Livingston and the north gate of YNP. Last year, the river was the lowest and warmest I have ever seen it. I can't imagine what it looks like today. Ditto for the Madison out the west gate.

A real shame.
Yo afi'n Ro - quite some list indeed! It would be a smaller list if the state just put down what is open. I hope MT isn't in for another near-decade long cycle of droughts, with associated forest fires and river closures. I guess I might have to revisit my strategy of going out there early and under the snowmelt rather than peak (tourist) season.
I don't know where that guy from TU gets his info, but I would not say that the Yellowstone River is at the lowest level it has been at since 1919 nor would I say that the water temperature in Livingston is hovering around 70°.

Here are the facts, as I see them: (other official government gauges at different places along the river show similar data)

Yellowstone's water level has been, and is, in the lowest 10th percentile, but not at an all time record low. The temperature had been into the low 70°'s a few weeks ago, but that was the daily high, and it has not been "hovering" there.

I have spent the past 16 summers on the banks of the Yellowstone River, in the middle of Paradise Valley a few miles south of Livingston, and I love this River.

The situation here is not good by any means. However, lets disseminate facts, TU.
Here is more detailed info from the MT gov site:
Some parts of the Yellowstone River and tribs have been reopened: