On the lighter side of recent topics

Leave it to FOX to trivialize greenhouse gas emissions. Anyhow, don't put me on the opposite side of "hunting is good," I never claimed otherwise, but only that the reasons some used to support that judgment may not be supported as strongly as they would like themselves and others to believe.
JackM wrote:
Leave it to FOX to trivialize greenhouse gas emissions. Anyhow, don't put me on the oposite side of "hunting is good," I never claimed otherwise, but only that the reasons some used to support that judgment may not be supported as strongly as they would like themselves and others to believe.

Don't worry Jack, I was just joking around. I'm not putting you on the other side of "hunting is good," and I really don't think you are on the other side. If you read it again, you will probably see the sarcasm in it.
FarmerDave wrote:
If you read it again, you will probably see the sarcasm in it.

That must be why I thought, did this link go to the Onion or Fox News? But then again, is there really a difference?

I was talking about my sarcasm. You know, the part I told Jack not to worry about?
Not only are they destroying the planet, I hear their bites are very nasty.
Fox News is just the TV equivalent of........ http://www.weeklyworldnews.com/
See this just goes to show that most of you have never been exposed to the southern end of a north bound moose.

I do find it funny how many people on here are anti fox news.
It's OK troutbert, I check the CNN website as well to balance things out. You might say I'm well rounded. :-D
>>I do find it funny how many people on here are anti fox news.>>

I'm not nearly so much anti Fox news as I am offended by them.

If I'm going to be the target of bias in media, I have a right to at least expect it to be done somewhat professionally and with some modicum of smoothness.

Fox fails this test virtually every time.

They're like the Clarabells of electronic journalism, lacking only the rubber nose and oooga horn..
RLeeP wrote:
>>I do find it funny how many people on here are anti fox news.>>

I'm not nearly so much anti Fox news as I am offended by them.

If I'm going to be the target of bias in media, I have a right to at least expect it to be done somewhat professionally and with some modicum of smoothness.

Fox fails this test virtually every time.

They're like the Clarabells of electronic journalism, lacking only the rubber nose and oooga horn..

So, what you are saying is CBS (see BS) does a better job of hiding their bias? :-D
>>So, what you are saying is CBS (see BS) does a better job of hiding their bias?>>

I don't know. I haven't been able to really detect a constant bias in CBS or the other networks that predate Fox and that the foaming righties are always all prickly about and make us foaming centeries wonder what the big deal is.

To me, that means it either isn't there or is so cleverly disguised that it becomes all but subliminal.

But Fox, IMO, seems to wear their bias right out on their sleeve and very clumsily at that.

My sole point is that like any other service I pay for, I have a right to an expectation of at least modest quality.

By their ineptitude, Fox is not meeting these expectations...:)
RLeeP wrote:
>>So, what you are saying is CBS (see BS) does a better job of hiding their bias?>>

I don't know. I haven't been able to really detect a constant bias in CBS or the other networks that predate Fox and that the foaming righties are always all prickly about and make us foaming centeries wonder what the big deal is.

To me, that means it either isn't there or is so cleverly disguised that it becomes all but subliminal.

But Fox, IMO, seems to wear their bias right out on their sleeve and very clumsily at that.

My sole point is that like any other service I pay for, I have a right to an expectation of at least modest quality.

By their ineptitude, Fox is not meeting these expectations...:)

I'm sure I'll get flamed for this, but I don't really care. I can take it. :)

Everything is relative. I agree the Foxnews website is more to the right than any of the other major networks. I'd be a fool to disagree. But they know it and aren't trying to hide it IMHO. Of course they wear it on their sleeve. It is what sells for them. If you think they are trying to hide it, then I can see why you would think it is clumsy. I just don't think they are trying to hide it.

And yes, the others do a good job of hiding their bias. Dan Rather got sloppy towards the end of his career and put his bias out there and it got him fired. Before that, it was Connie Chung who crossed the line in the Barbara Bush interview. None of them are non-bias on everything. They are human, not machines.

Since many of them don't seem to be able to just report the news on a consistant basis without any bias (including AP and UPI), I think they should all wear their bias on their sleeves. It makes it easier to separate the wheat from the chaff. I try to get my news from multiple sources and try to sort it out myself.

P.S. I'm not trying to sell anyone on Fox News. I very rarely watch them, except for the local. but I do check their website usually after checking CNN.
It's kind of amazing, and sad that in order to get accurate information you've got to sort though different sources of media. Most are to the left, and few are to the right. Seems that not many do what they really should be doing and just reporting the actual facts without some spin to the left or to the right.
If people would learn to view information they read and hear critically, they would know right away who is biased and to what extent. The major networks have a bias and attempt to report the news accurately, but their bias sometimes shows through. FOX, on the other hand makes no effort to report news accurately. They make sure their bias colors everything they report on even to the point of distortion. For those that don't receive news critically, and that is the vast majority of American news consumers, the FOX approach is more dangerous.
Fox spews just as many twisted slants as the liberal media.
(Cnn, Pittsburgh Post Gazette, etc....)

Not that I am defending Fox by any means. Both liberal and rightwinged media is more entertainment than news. What do you expect- there is something like 5 news channels in my cable package and they are on 24-7. I think of them as entertainment, I just hope that most others do too.
Fox, fair and balanced. Moose nose soup recipie; moose nose cut in strips and browned in a # 12 cast iorn oven . Add 1 gal. water,2onions,three carrots,5 potatoes,parcley,basil to suit,salt pepper to taste, cook all day and check on soup every hour and add one tbs. of Wild Turkey each time you check the soup. Fresh baked bread is a must ,biscuts will do. Just before serving add half a cup of improved flour and stir to thicken if you want stew instead of soup. It servers three hungry fisherman . Loons in the back ground only intensify the taste and experience, no Fox up there.
That is hilarious......what are they going to come up with next.

I have an idea, how about we stop driving cars and ride moose......there has to be a benefit......That's it, we won't have to make ethanol out of the corn, we can just use it as feed. Maybe that will cut down on the Methane emissions :-D

I'll shut up now.........

JackM wrote:
If people would learn to view information they read and hear critically, they would know right away who is biased and to what extent. The major networks have a bias and attempt to report the news accurately, but their bias sometimes shows through. FOX, on the other hand makes no effort to report news accurately. They make sure their bias colors everything they report on even to the point of distortion. For those that don't receive news critically, and that is the vast majority of American news consumers, the FOX approach is more dangerous.

Jack, I agree with most of that. The only exceptions are:

Fox doesn't color 'everything" they report. "Everything" is kind of extreme, don't you think?

I also disagree where you said the fox approach is more dangerous. I think it is more dangerous when media outlets hide their bias and people take it as gospel. Even you say it shows through occasionally, but a lot of people just don't see that and they aren't all left wing, either. this is simply a matter of opinion, so we area allowed to disagree. :)

Here is one thing I notice when reading the news, and lets use Fox and CNN for examples. Often times each will report on the same thing with their own slant. But if you look past the headline, and past the first paragragh or two (where most of the slant usually is, and where each tries to steer your opinion) you often find the same information. That is the news part.
Ninety percent of news readers only read the headline and first paragraph. They teach that in journalism classes in college. :-(