Less frenetic Opener due to Mentored Youth Program?



Well-known member
Sep 13, 2006
Chester County
Is it my imagination or was this last weekend less of a zoo than previous years? Do you think the Mentored program took the edge off for some families, in effect spreading out the load? It was very windy here, and this was also Easter/Passover, so maybe some family activities tied up some erstwhile anglers?

Or are looking at the continuing decline of the sport? (Short term good, long term bad).

In our watershed the mentored Youth Day was popular 12 cars at one location and 7 at another. And our Opening Day was just as crowded as usual...but the 50+ vehicles counted at our location were able to spread out over a couple miles of water so when Me and my buddy moseyed upstream at around 9:30am, we were able to get a nice pool and run to ourselves. About a dozen moved through in both directions in the 1.5-2 hours we fished it but no crowding or hassles were experienced. Only one gent mentioned the Mentored Youth Day 'fishing out" the crik.
Maurice wrote:
Only one gent mentioned the Mentored Youth Day 'fishing out" the crik.

Clearly he was skunked.
yeah, I expected more folks relating that. When he said it I resounded..the damned freeloader kids are no better than the seniors. He was a senior. :-D

Then I said I'da been for it if they didn't let the adults fish. After he went through we went back to catching fish after fish in our little run.
There used to be one Opening Day.

Then there were two.

Now there are four.
troutbert wrote:
There used to be one Opening Day.

Then there were two.

Now there are four.

And MD just went back to one.
The 2 openers is probably one of the smartest things the fish commish ever did. Anybody that has traveled our commonwealth throughout the seasons knows there is about 2 plus weeks of diff between the south eastern section and the north western section when it comes to winter setting in and spring come'n on. Look at the pics Sandfly just posted of his area right now. Sure the old stories I tell of fishing in blizzards up on Cedar Run sound like a lot of fun but, well. Not so much. All the other openers you's are talking about I have no clue. But the 2 week offset between SE and the rest was a pretty good move. Amazingly enough.
I agree that the dual opener makes sense and seems to be pretty well implemented.
When the dual opener was first proposed, I was skeptical. In hindsight, I'll readily admit that it turned out very well.

As for the MYD affecting turnout on opening day - I dunno. I didn't get out on the opener this year but my general impression is that fishing pressure has dropped (generally speaking) across central PA for years. It is certainly plausible that the "four openers" that Troutbert describes, could indeed contribute to the appearance of fewer anglers.
Personal thank you's to FiveWeight, JackM, and Fishidiot. An extra kudo to Fishidiot for his character.
Mike wrote:
Personal thank you's to FiveWeight, JackM, and Fishidiot. An extra kudo to Fishidiot for his character.

You are very welcome Mike. Wouldn't be grand if all decisions made worked out as well as the "two openers" has. That one was a winner! Steady as she goes Mike, steady as she goes......
The limit for Mentored Youth is 2 trout per day.

How was this accepted? How did it work out on the streams?

If people were fine with 2 trout per day, had fun fishing with that, maybe it's time to think about 2 per day for the general trout regs.

The ratio of stocked trout/trout fishermen is really not very high. Are there even 5 stocked trout for every trout fisherman? For the entire season?

troutbert wrote:
The limit for Mentored Youth is 2 trout per day.

How was this accepted? How did it work out on the streams?

If people were fine with 2 trout per day, had fun fishing with that, maybe it's time to think about 2 per day for the general trout regs.

The ratio of stocked trout/trout fishermen is really not very high. Are there even 5 stocked trout for every trout fisherman? For the entire season?

When your talking stocked trout in water that won't hold trout for the most part you may as well let the army of two or three week fisherman get their license worth or they are not going to keep coming back to fund the stocking. Besides that as I'm sure we are all aware, most of these stocked fish in most of the stocked waters would be and will all be dead by the end of June beginning of July due to low water and high water temps. Now of course there are exceptions to this but that is one of the biggest reasons for stocking isn't it? The sale of fishing licenses? Because if the whole point is to have trout in all of our waters all of the time all year round. Its pretty much a fail. I suppose I see what your getting at TB but, the army of the three weekers don't look at it as I'm figuring your looking at it.
Because if the whole point is to have trout in all of our waters all of the time all year round.

Nothing of the sort was stated.

Well aware of that. I stated it. So exactly what was your point to the 2 fish limit and to making me aware of something I already knew?
FiveWeight wrote:
Mike wrote:
Personal thank you's to FiveWeight, JackM, and Fishidiot. An extra kudo to Fishidiot for his character.

You are very welcome Mike. Wouldn't be grand if all decisions made worked out as well as the "two openers" has. That one was a winner! Steady as she goes Mike, steady as she goes......

Just FYI, the split opener was pretty much Mike's idea. He fought hard make it happen in his region of the SE. It is one of the really good ideas of late by the Commission that enhanced trout fishing and extended the season for many thousands of anglers. Kudos to Mike for making it happen.