How to take your spouse on a fly fishing vacation and stay happily married



Well-known member
Sep 9, 2006
Nice article for you married fly fisherman from the flymen fishing company blog.
Good read. Definitely some merit in the breaking things up school of thought...Break up the camping with a night at a hotel and dinner not cooked over a campfire mid week or so. I like to do a hotel night the night before you travel home as well.

Goes without saying, but a wife like the one in the article helps on multiple fronts.
My wife likes to ride horses. Last year we went to a dude ranch in Montana. I fished, she rode and we had a very nice time seeing the sights in and around YNP.
My wife works two jobs. When we vacation it's whatever she wants to do. I happen to love my wife/family more than fishing so there's never any balancing for me. Fortunately I can go fishing anywhere anytime I like largely because she's a workaholic.
We took a trip to Alaska last year and I got to fly fish with my wife for the first time. We went on a guided float, sorry to say she didn't catch any. When we got to Skagway she took a whale watching trip and I took a fly in Salmon fishing trip.

Our next trip is to NewFinland next fall. and plan on going fishing sometime during the trip. Hopefully fly fishing for some Salmon.
Me: Honey, I'd like to go on a FF Trip in November, would you like that?

Honey: Sure, right after we go on an antique tour for a week, or to see plays on Broadway NYC.

Me: Ok, when do we leave?
"Over the years, I’ve been trying to create balance here by getting my wife involved in fishing."

That's balance?

I took a trip out-west with my wife last year. We went with another couple and rented a cabin on the Yellowstone River . I fished a few days with my fishing partner while the wives took in the sights, went horseback riding and rafting. My wife and I spent a few days together checking out YNP and sight-seeing other places. It was fun for all.

In the last few years I have also have made trips to Maine, Vermont, the Adirondacks, Florida, the NJ shore together my wife. We take in the sights together, and I (sometimes we) did some fishing. Both of us had a good time. All good!

My wife enjoys being in a wil, camping, and fishing. AT first, she was hesitant but I let her tried it and she enjoyed the outdoor activities. ;)
my wife tyes better than me and casts better than me. also hikes faster,further.

however, she only dyfly fishes. she isn't really good enough for wets, but doesn't really have the interest to improve. she is satisfied with dry fly,with the hook snipped.
Or, get yourself a cabin up in the hill country, marry yourself a wife who LOVES the cabin (especially sitting by the wood stove), have yourself 3 kiddies who also love the cabin, and when you say, "hey do you mind if I head out to a stream for a couple of hours?" the answer will be, "sure. I'm perfectly content right here!"