Casting Analyzer



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Has anyone used this? I have not, nor have I seen the analyzer.

I wonder if it helped anyone?

Having a machine spit out some math equation does'nt seem like it would be too be helpful. Or does it say something plainly like "slow down your backcast".

What do you think? Paul
I just got done using my casting analyzer. It was many of the low streams with wild trout around here. I passed, but "need work".

Seriously, though. They look like pretty cool gadgets. From what I've read, they are just little accelerometers that record smoothness, consistency, and symmetry. All are good things to have in your cast.
Truthfully, Paul, even seeing one of these things advertised my very first thought was... "Oh, God, NOW what's happening to fly fishing?

And, thankfully, after doing more research on them, I STILL have that same opinion! They started out as "Golf Swing Analyzers" and, that right there, turned me against them! (One sport, that no matter HOW WELL explained to me, about its benefits, I still don't see the point in).

I, suppose, if one was so intent on having that "perfect casting motion", as golfers seem to be on "that perfect grip and swing", then maybe it'd be worth looking into!?! Or, perhaps, if one owned all the hi-end rods and reels, owned blue ribbon water rights, (with cabin), and maybe was bored enough to "want something new" in their arsenal.......why not, a new toy?

Even though I've often been accused of "making beer, instead of casting", when working some pools, I just don't like the idea, (for ME anyway), of "adding electronic gizmos" to a sport I enjoy, that I use to GET AWAY FROM such things, in every day life!

Actually, if anyone wants to improve their casting, the leather wrist strap system, that connects to your wrist and rod, seems to have helped an awful lot of people.
I heard SAGE was involved with this device somehow. I don't know if you have to go to a SAGE event (like a rep visiting a dealer) or if a dealer would have one. You could contact a shop that carries SAGE to find out.
I think TFO in Reading has one, and it has something to do with Sage. I wonder how often the results are "for your cast, you need a faster rod"?
Ian's right. TCO has one.

There's a list of participating shops. Maybe there's one closer to you. I'd imagine it ends up being a big sales pitch, like Ian suggested.
Yeah, Sage is the name behind the game and TCO has one. FUnny, I bought my Sage 4Wt from TCO and they didn't seem to worry much about me using the cast thingy. Neither did I. I figure if the fly hits the water within a reasonable distance to the location where I wanted it to, I'm good. Funny thing about any type of computerized analyzer like this, they never have any trees or breezes involved. I figure they will tell you you need the top end rod and reel package of the manufacturer that is providing the gadget plus at least six or seven lessons from the shop where you used it too.