A state record that isn't.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
What a nutty story. Angler caught the fish but two onlookers take the credit. People. From Pittsburgh Tribune Review.

Taking credit

That thing was probably in catfish heaven in that lake. Top of the food chain with a fresh load of soft, dumb, pellet head rainbow trout getting stocked throughout most of the year. No wonder it was so heavy lol.
"Fish that big are special." Lol is that why they must be killed for some stupid record program? What a waste of resources to do that investigation, when a wco could've actually been patrolling for poachers. It shouldn't be a wonder the PFBC is circling the drain.
Crazy story. That said, there seems to be enough evidence to support awarding the state record. Why can't the angler just be listed as "unknown". Shouldn't matter how it got there in the first place, or if the angler needed assistance landing.
SteveG wrote:
"Fish that big are special." Lol is that why they must be killed for some stupid record program?

I was thinking the same thing? Why not put it back in the water, let it grow even larger and give another angler the opportunity to catch it?

Are all of the "record" fish caught, killed, then verified?