Tiny Fenwick rod?



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
Montgomery County, Pa
Does anyone know if Fenwick still makes that tiny little 5' 1/2 or 6' fly rod? If I remember correctly, I don't think it even had a fixed reel seat. I think it might have just had the rings?
The only 6' Fenwick I ever knew of was the FF605. It was glass and had a fixed reel seat. Fenwick doesn't make any glass rods any more.

It's a nice rod for what it is.
tomgamber wrote:
isn't there a guy on here called 6ftfenwick?

There ya go exagerrating again Tom...its 5ftfenwick. So much for believing you at the Jam when you say you caught a fish "this" big!
5footfenwick is a good friend of mine and his rod is only 5 foot because it has been broken a couple of times.

You want to talk about being able to punch a fly through tight brush with a short rod. That rod will do it.
MKern wrote:
5footfenwick is a good friend of mine and his rod is only 5 foot because it has been broken a couple of times.

You want to talk about being able to punch a fly through tight brush with a short rod. That rod will do it.

See Mo, maybe I met him before he broke his rod... :oops:

..and what time did I post that?
Funny story about 5foot. The first time we fished together we were discussing how his rod got broken, and what to do if you feel like you are going to fall (throw the rod); just making small talk.

We literally made it 10 feet into the woods wen he tripped over is own two feel and fell like a redwood almost cracking his head on a rock.
I have each of them and I cast a 3 and 4wt. on them...sorry not for sale.