Orvis Practicaster sale



Feb 6, 2013
In May, I took a job selling Subarus at a local dealer. Sincce I don't have the time to practice my casting, I was looking for a good option. I picked up an Orvis Practicaster at the Orvis outlet in Lancaster yesterday. They have them on sale for $35.

Anyone use one? Any thoughts on what I can do to learn better with it?


I missed you at the store but thanks for coming in! The practicasters are great for learning to form your loop and manage your line. Drills i especially lile to practice involve tight loops, aerial mends and proper application of power.

When playing with the practice caster you can experiment with different lengths of line out past the rod tip. This will encourage you to adjust your timing just like in real casting. You want to lengthen your casting stroke (the path your hand travels between forward stop and backcast stop). The more line you have out the longer your casting stroke should be.

Also you want to maintain a constant acceleration to your stops on both you forward and backcast. The weight of the practicaster line accentuates this element of the cast. This in effect is your timing. Focus on starting slowly and ending fast. Save your most powerful thrust for the moment right before you stop and you should notice your loops forming nicely.

Lastly and following with timing. You will find the application of powet is right before or even in the moment of the stop. Many people start with to much power. Play around and See how far you can cast with the least amount of power applied to your cast. In other words. What is the bare minimum it takes to make that yarn unroll? This principle applies to good casting and presentation as well.

I hope that helps. Im sorry i missed you i am there on friday and saturday nights so feel free to stop in i love to help fellow PAFFERS plus it gets me out of stacking dog beds!
Thanks so much! I can't wait to have the time to play. I love the store but can't spend all my money there.... Yet