Fly Tying Swap 2018 - Stimulators/Attractor patterns



Jan 8, 2018
Philly suburbs
Hey guys,

seeing the great fly patterns at the 2018 PAFF Eastern PA Fly Tying Jam on Feb 17 has inspired me. Being relatively new to both the forum and fly tying it was great to see so many different skill levels and so much shared knowledge.

John's great stimulator pattern caught my eye and i'd like to see what others are using and organize a swap if there's enough interest.

I'm proposing a stimulator swap, your favorite attractor/stim pattern. Limit to 12 people plus myself (which means everyone ties and receives an even dozen flies from the exchange). I think a month from now would be a good date, so flies due by Saturday March 24th and we'll all have some new patterns to play with for the spring.

Send me your dozen along with return postage. (This is my first swap so i'm hoping organizing this isn't as daunting as it sounds. I hope it's OK to have newbies organize swaps, if it isn't i'm sure the mods will let me know)

sign up to participate and let us know what pattern you intend to tie.
Bocianka1 wrote:
This is my first swap so i'm hoping organizing this isn't as daunting as it sounds. I hope it's OK to have newbies organize swaps, if it isn't i'm sure the mods will let me know

It's perfectly okay for you to do this.

Sometimes it takes awhile before a thread like this kicks off. Fly swaps used to be much more popular around here and interest seems to have fallen off in recent years.
Nothing wrong with trying to kick start a new one.

Good luck with your swap!

Thanks for the kind words on the Stimulator pattern from the Tying Jam. As Dave had eluded to, swaps can tend to be a bit fickle on the forum. I've participated in a number of them over the years. Some of them were a really great experience, some of them were not so great for a variety of reasons. I'm not actually looking to get involved in one at this time. Stimmies are a great all around fish catching pattern but with my experience on PAFF with fly swaps it may be a bit challenging to get 12 people to actually make the commitment to crank out a dozen Stimulators. I admire you trying to get one up and running. Don't give up on them. Good luck.
thanks for the encouragement. I noticed there hasn't been any recent swaps, i'd just hoped that was from a lack of organizers being willing. but i understand if not everyone has the time and energy to participate. It's also getting close to opening day and winter tying days are coming to an end for a lot of folks. i get that. maybe some other time.

It's just hard not to get all excited about tying after seeing all the great ideas at the Jam. I'm sure i'll find an excuse to get in on a swap later.

In the mean time, more time to practice on flies for myself.