Bags for Temporary Storage of Materials



Jan 28, 2007
I have plastic cabinets with drawers which do a pretty good job of keeping my materials, dubbing, feathers, fur .... organized. We are getting ready to move. I know ZipLock makes a 2 gallon bag. I don't know where to get them. I figured they would be the idea way to keep stuff together in transit. Anyone have other ideas on moving/storage means? Does anyone know where to get large ZipLock bags? I need 20 or so, not 100. Thanks in advance.
A buddie of mine had a chicken that died and gave it to me, nice variant. I skinned and pinned it. Got the big zip loc bags from Wally World
I use a lot of the 1 gal. bags that you pick up at the dollar store or walmart. I believe they are in a 25 pack for a couple bucks.
*I prefer the zipper/slide top over the traditional ziplock style.
The local grocery store has gallon ziplock bags, if it's a Giant or Weis.
Dear Gene,

Instead of unpacking everything, putting it in bags, and then reorganizing when you have moved why not do what I would do and take the lazy way out? ;-)

Get a roll of clear packing tape and just tape your cabinets shut for the move.

If you want the 2 gallon Ziplock freezer bags though Wal-Mart definitely has them.


Tim Murphy :)
i prefer the slide zip bags too.

geebee wrote:
i prefer the slide zip bags too.

Me too. Because they actually work.

The other kind don't.
troutbert wrote:
geebee wrote:
i prefer the slide zip bags too.

Me too. Because they actually work.

The other kind don't.

yup, one leaky food bag on camping trip that covers all your gear in goulasch stew will learn you once only.

zip it or lose it.