2018 PAFF Fly Tying Jam



Well-known member
Jan 16, 2012
Carbondale, PA
Here are some pictures from the Tying Jam.

It was great to see everyone again! Sorry I didn't join everyone for dinner, but the ride home sucked! 90 minute drive was turned into 150 minutes thanks to road conditions. I was really glad to have the CR-V. The all-wheel drive made it less of a nail-biter.

Tying Jam Photos
You didn't miss anything John!! The snow canceled our plans. My ride home was treacherous!! Hope everyone made it home safely !
mooney4 wrote:
You didn't miss anything John!! The snow canceled our plans. My ride home was treacherous!! Hope everyone made it home safely

Rich yea the snow was bad. Jack and I made it home without too much trouble. Just took us 2 1/2 hours. But the day was great. really enjoyed it.

djs12354 wrote:
Here are some pictures from the Tying Jam.

It was great to see everyone again! Sorry I didn't join everyone for dinner, but the ride home sucked! 90 minute drive was turned into 150 minutes thanks to road conditions. I was really glad to have the CR-V. The all-wheel drive made it less of a nail-biter.

Dave thankless for taking and sharing all these great pics.

GenCon wrote:

Dave thankless for taking and sharing all these great pics.



You are quite welcome. Thanks to you and Rich for organizing the Jam and the great job you both did running it!

I think we would be remiss if we didn't take a minute to also thank the donors of the raffle prizes and the Nature Center for their great facility!
