West branch gurus



Jun 9, 2007
What are the chances the game lands will be wadable the first week of May?
Who knows what the rain Gods will bring but barring a monsoon if the flow is no more than 700 and you are a confident wader you should have no problem wading UGL and be able to get out far enough from the bank to get a good unfettered back cast.

LGL is a different story because the water on the west bank gets pretty deep right off of the bank. I rarely fish the LGL because I can't get a good back cast unless the water is around 500 cfs.
My cutoff flow there is 1,000 CFS, although things are pretty limited even then.
I prefer it to be down closer to 500.

I'm hoping to go up there next week. And right now, it's flowing at 2,000. Unless we get a good dry spell, it doesn't look very promising for me
WB wadeable in the first week of May? Not likely. If you look at the lake level and the inflow any rain at all will cost me more problems. Bill, going up next week will be about as effective is peeing up a rope I would think.

John, if I'm not mistaken you're a little bit older? Personally, I prefer the West at 502 Wade and that's based off of the Hale Eddy gauge. The main stem around 1200 to 1500 at lordville will allow you to wait in many places. My guess would be the Beaverkill or the Upper East will be the first to to come down and that's only if we don't get a bunch of more rain
I'd lean towards yes but its a crap shoot - doesn't show much rain in the forecast. The good news is you should be able to find somewhere to wade in the system the 1st week of May. Last year that wasn't the case, but I think the NEversink fished well. I will be there from the 27th to the 6th. I have a boat so that helps my chances quite a bit. My problem is people keep backing out so I may be doing a lot of solo floating or wading.
A LITTLE OLDER...... well ok. This’ll be our 25th year up there for the Hendrickson’s. The memory of the whole pool rising to duns in ‘95 I’ll take to my grave. But, even with my guitar, IPAD, biography of Gen. Grant and good conversation, waiting for the river to come down is just too much. I’ll go at a thousand, The west br isn’t the Lehigh or the ausable boulderwise. But a thou is the limit. The reservoir status is not encouraging. I guess I could take my gouges and carve a duck. I do love the east br.
I'd go up with the possibility of fishing the east branch or beaverkill a viable option.
But right now, everything is blown out up there.
And with more rain forecasr- after 4-5 dry days - the middle of next week

We have a couple of guys up from 5/6 - 5/12. Welcome to join us.

It's my 31 yr for the Hendrickson hatch.
Dryflyguy wrote;

My cutoff flow there is 1,000 CFS, although things are pretty limited even then.

Very true, there are a few places where you can wade at 1000 cfs but many of them are so far a walk from an access most guys wouldn't consider walking that far. I know the UGL very well and at 1000 cfs lots of the fish will be closer to the side you walk in on from the parking lot. You just have to know your limitations and don't try and get out that "couple extra feet" to reach a riser. It could be your last cast.
On an unrelated note, the bow spawn should have had no trouble getting in and back out of the feeders this spring. That's good news.
Kf thanks for the invite but I'm not sure I'll be able to get out that week. I had to put in for vacation ahead of time. I'm wishing I picked a later week now but I'll make the best of it.
May 1st for wading doesn't look good except the upper east and beaverkill may be in play.
Wading doesn't look good up there....on any river. Still spilling at the dams, got hit with rain yesterday and maybe another 1/2" from today's storms. Farmers almanac has our region wet / cool for May and a tad wet / cooler for June. July - October is hotter than normal with less than average rainfall. I'll take every drop right now.
Yeah, late season for the D River. It hasn't been wadeable at all this spring. Water is still up there and cold. The great hatches and rising fish on them in early May hasn't happened, yet.

The DRC report for today sums it up:

May 04, 2018
Yesterday’s brief, heavy rain didn’t affect the flows. The Beaverkill is starting off the same as yesterday morning while the East Branch, West Branch, and Mainstem all dropped slightly overnight. The only river that had an increase in flow is the West Branch above Cannonsville Reservoir. The best wading is going to be on the Beaverkill and Willowemoc. There are some places on the other rivers that are wadeable in high water – just look for the big pools with gravel bars and wide tailouts. Just be careful. There were some fish landed on dry flies yesterday but not as many as we expected. A lot of came to the net on nymphs and streamers. Everyday we expect these rivers to break wide open with dry fly fishing. It’s been getting better gradually but it has to be close to being great. Water temperatures are looking good and have been holding for a couple of days. We may see a thunderstorm today but the forecasted rain totals are less than 1/4?. The air temp will be in the high 70’s o we will get a little fog on the river if it rains.

The DRC reports daily on the Upper D River > http://thedelawareriverclub.com/blog/

Keep checking it. At some point the River should come down (it's still spilling over at Cannonsville) and warm a little.
