Swatara Creek - Pine Grove



Active member
Apr 5, 2009
Since the streams forum is down, I wanted to ask, has anyone ever fished the Swatara behind the Hess Quick Express right before you enter Pine Grove coming down from Tremont?

We stopped for fuel on the way to a wedding and I made a quick run behind the building to see what the creek looked like, It looked promising.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.
I was just thinking about this as well. That is the Little Swatara, correct? I was driving home from Sullivan on 501 and crossed the creek, thinking it looked very troutish.
Squatch, the section I am referring to is actually on 125 coming down from Ravine to Pine Grove.
Yeah, you were on the main stem of the Swatara GS. That's about the beginning of the transition area on the stream from Trout to WW. Most Summers temps are probably marginal in that stretch, but habitat is pretty good. Worth a look probably, especially if you don't mind the occasional Fallfish or Smallie too.
Pete post.

It's ok. ;-) It really depends on time of year. The trout really move around a lot depending on the water temps, but that particular area is pretty decent. In the cooler months they really can spread downstream, so it seems like there are nothing but chubs in the creek, but the trout are there. Don't expect anything but sparse hatches, although a streamer will get them coming up. :)

Thanks. I keep telling myself I have to stop on my trips back to Shamokin from Harrisburg but it just never seems to materialize. Maybe tomorrow.
Used to be devoid of fish, but after cleanup (from mine acid) over the years, there are some natives there and upstream from there. Not worth a special trip, but nice to know.

I've actually even spent time in Maxine's Continental Lounge there at the truck stop. Is that still there?