Hershey Area Suggestions



Active member
Jun 5, 2012
I'm treating my wife to a spa treatment at the hotel Sat, so while she's getting pampered I'd like to treat myself to a few hours on a near by stream. Any suggestions within a half hour since I'll only have about 2-3 hours to fish.
Manada, quittie, or spring creek in Harrisburg are a few local options.
you also have Clarks, Letort and the Breeches that might be a tad over 30 minutes.
+1 for Manada and Quittie. If you only have 2-3 hours, too much road time for the Yellow Breeches or Letort - closer to 40 minutes.

Would not recommend Spring in Harrisburg unless you know the area. And I do not mean local stream knowledge. I mean "lock and load" knowledge. Its an urban stream, flowing through some of the most depressed parts of the city.

I am a big supporter of the Harrisburg region, but facts are facts.
So you are calling hall manor depressed? I worked on 'the hill' for 12 yrs and wouldn't consider fishing spring w/o a 9mm and you might be out gunned even then.
Ah come on, spring creek isn't that bad. Wait, now that you mention it, that IS where I hooked a brown wearing a mini bullett-proof vest. I thought the fish was over reacting a bit, but the same day I fished it stream last, they did find a body in the stream at the 441 bridge (no lie...about the body. The vest thing wasn't true). In all seriousness though, if you fish it during the day and stay near the greenbelt, you SHOULD be ok. But if you get jumped, I'm going to think that fish was really damn smart.
I ended up hitting Manada by default. I intended on fishing Quittie but my GPS was giving me fits. By the time it kicked in I was four miles from Manada. I caught two small browns. The steam was surprisingly wild for that area. Only had time to fish about an hour plus.
Spring on hbg is not that bad. If ur looking for trouble you'll find it but for most part u would be fine. On the downside the stream is littered with chubs and you'd have to fight ur way through em. Not real sure what the 441 bridge is. I've fished from 5 senses garden up.
I'd add Bachmans run to Swattie and Quittie , i guess i'm a spot burner now.
IdratherbePhishing wrote:
Spring on hbg is not that bad. If ur looking for trouble you'll find it but for most part u would be fine. On the downside the stream is littered with chubs and you'd have to fight ur way through em. Not real sure what the 441 bridge is. I've fished from 5 senses garden up.

Pretty sure 441 is the bridge by 5 senses garden, bro. ;-) Lindle Rd to you.


You are officially on the list. Bachman Run?? Well, the secret is now out. I'll guess she's running at about 1.5 cfs right now. Can't imagine it's really fishable. I'm just happy you didn't spot burn Snitz Creek. :-D. :p
So, I'm heading there this weekend. Some of you PMed me about spots last year but the PMs got deleted. I literally might have an hour, maybe two tops to get away from the fam. What's the closest possible water from hershey lodge where I can possibly catch a trout? If you want to PM me, I promise not to spot burn.
This thread isn't a good fit with the Warm Water forum and will be moved shortly to Fly Fishing Locations.
Dub - Given your time constraints I think your best bet for fishing close to the Hershey Lodge is The Quitty. Go to the park in Annville and fish the DHALO stretch. Take 322 East out of Hershey to 934 North to 422. Turn right on 422 and go no more than 1/2 milk and the park entrance will be on your right. Quitty has limestone influence. Should be OK to fish even as cold as it's been this week.

I will say that if you only have an hour you are better off finding a bar with a football game or something. Probably close to a 20 minute drive from the Lodge to Annville.
I agree in all respects. This time of year I think it's better to relax than to prospect new streams