Harvesting Water Cress from Big Spring



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2009
Central Maryland
This afternoon I came upon a family standing in the middle of Big Spring harvesting watercress by the garbage full. It's obviously not a good idea to be taking salad greens from a stream with cattle along it, but it it legal? Should I have confronted them?
Good question - I dunno.

It seems to me that someone grabbing a few clumps of water cress from public land to take home for a salad would fall under the "fairly harmless" category - similar to picking some berries.

However, harvesting in garbage bagfuls suggests efforts to sell the stuff at a fruit stand(?). Not to mention some environmental impact.

The PFBC is the property owner. I'd drop 'em a line and describe what you saw, and where you saw it, and see what they say.
Since I posted this, I've heard from another member of my TU chapter who fished there a bit later than I did that CO showed up and said that the incident had been reported and that he didn't seem too happy about it.