Yellow Creek Coalition-Pig Roast-Sat. June 21st



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
There will be a Pig Roast Fundraiser Sat. June 21st (food at 2pm) just up the road from the FFO project. If you can’t make a straight donation please consider a $20 ticket for the Roast as it is a worthy cause.

The Yellow Creek Coalition-- Bedford CO. PA

Dear Fisherman,

Over the years the Yellow Creek Coalition has worked to protect and enhance the Yellow Creek watershed. We have worked to maintain public access to these waters . We have constructed a parking lot for fisherman using the fly project waters, and we constructed a bridge and access roads to the lot. We are currently seeking access easements to maintain access to the water which remains open to the public. It is vital we do this.

None of the fly project is owned by the PFBC. Not one bit of the improvements made has been paid for by funds from the PFBC. All of these things have been paid for by donations from The Yellow Creek Coalition members and from you, the fishing public.

We need your help! The YCC is a non-profit organization under section 501 (3) (C) of the IRS code. We are asking for a donation on your part to help maintain the roads and parking lot, for stream improvement in the watershed, for easements to maintain access, and to build new roads if necessary. Your donations are a large part of our funding. If you enjoy fishing these waters, please give what you can. We will give you a receipt and, in the case of big donations, written verification. You may use this as a tax write-off. Your help is vital to our work. Let’s preserve Yellow Creek now and for future generations.

Mail donations to:
Fred Sherlock-President-Yellow Creek Coalition
132 McElwee Drive
Hopewell,PA 16650

Fred told me yesterday that the Spring Ridge Club is still contacting (his neighbors) landowners along Yellow Creek for access. Fred lives on Yellow Creek at the lower end of the project and can be seen daily on the stream.
The time is almost upon us.

The Yellow Creek Coalition is sponsoring a Pig Roast to benefit Yellow Creek this weekend.

My message is twofold.

1. If you fish this stream buy a $20 ticket to the Pig Roast.

2. If you were thinking of going to Yellow Creek for peace and to get away from crowds this is not the weekend for you.
My hat's off to this group. I was out there on Sunday--real nice job!