The Gov is Yaking...



Staff member
Sep 11, 2006
Chester County, PA
Governor Tom Corbett today began a two-day kayak tour on the
Upper Delaware River through Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties to promote Pennsylvania’s natural resources and learn about this critical waterway.

“Pennsylvania is blessed with unmatched natural beauty and resources,” Corbett said. “As Pennsylvanians, we sometimes take our beautiful surroundings for granted, so this summer, I’m taking out the kayak and experiencing them first hand. I encourage residents across the state to do the same.”

Setting off this morning from the southern tip of Wayne County, Corbett will be kayaking down the Upper Delaware River; visiting Wayne, Pike and Monroe counties throughout his two-day trip. The Governor will be spending time on water as well as on land visiting a state park, a national park and tourist destinations.

He will be joined on the water by Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) Secretary Rick Allan, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Secretary Michael Krancer and Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission Executive Director John Arway.

“We are thankful and excited to see the Governor’s commitment to recreational tourism as he showcases outdoor opportunities across Pennsylvania this summer,” said John Arway, executive director of the Fish and Boat Commission. “Fishing and boating are big business in Pennsylvania and these activities generate
approximately $3.4 billion in revenue to the state every year.”

While on the water, Corbett is learning about the region’s landscape and how recent preservation projects and economic development initiatives have conserved thearea’s natural beauty while enhancing the quality of life for residents.

“An investment in Pennsylvania’s natural resources is a proven investment in local economic activity,” said Corbett. “Investments that create jobs, help communities prosper and preserve our natural resources are always worthwhile.”

When not on the water, Corbett will be visiting local tourist destinations including the Zane Grey Museum, Masker Museum, Promised Land State Park and the Shawnee Inn.

This is Corbett’s second kayak tour this summer. Corbett kayaked the Allegheny and Conemaugh rivers in July; visiting Forest, Venango and Warren counties, Johnstown and Pittsburgh. The Governor’s kayak trips have become a tradition, beginning last summer when the Governor promoted the importance of preserving and conserving our natural resources while traveling the Susquehanna River.

For more information on the Governor’s kayak trip, visit the Governor’s site at

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Good news story. The next trip should be the Susky.....although Arway and Krancer may not see eye to eye on that one. :)
Greenwashing or "green sheen" is a form of spin in which green PR or green marketing is deceptively used to promote the perception that an organization's aims and policies are environmentally friendly. Whether it is to increase profits or gain political support, greenwashing may be used to manipulate popular opinion to support otherwise questionable aims.
Somebody intercept them and spray him with fracking water!
he's scouting out well sites.
I honestly don't think he gives a rats *** about anything "green" in this state except for the stuff in his bank account.
“An investment in Pennsylvania’s natural resources is a proven investment in local economic activity,” said Corbett. “Investments that create jobs, help communities prosper and preserve our natural resources are always worthwhile.”

What kind of investment is he referring to here government money or private? What kind of natural resources is he "investing" in, ones that promote outdoor leisure activity or coal and oil extraction? Is it logical that by investing and creating jobs you are preserving natural resources?

As troutbert said total attempt at greenwashing.
he's a plain ole a$$ in my book and i sent him an email saying reason i am on the homeland terriost list.............
sandfly wrote:
he's a plain ole a$$ in my book and i sent him an email saying reason i am on the homeland terriost list.............

the first steps in taking away our freedom of speech.
BTW, I agree with ya!
Only reason he is even yaking here is because there is alot of Oil/Gas folks lined up to frack the Upper Delaware River Basin. He has to keep his political $$$$$$$$$ backers happy.Also it gives him an idea of where an what he will have to come up with in legislation so he an his cronies can snake their way in an do what they want regardless of what the public says.
Damn shame.
Who is he kidding? He could give a #censor# about our environment here in PA. It's all about the cash to him. This trip is all for show. As he is kayaking down the river, I doubt once he realized how beautiful it actually is. I can't stand that guy.