Pittsburgh post gazette article- stocking over wild trout.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2007
Every Sunday the post gazette has an outdoor section with a few articles. I enjoy reading them. Today's , I had to laugh. There is a guy holding a nice brown trout- the caption under the picture references it as a native fish. (At least on the paper version) So then, can I really believe the accuracy of the rest of the article. Haa ????


I do not really pursue stocked fish but I do recognize they have there place- especially in the ditches that pass for streams like Montour Run or the local Pine creek.
This quote is from PFBC fisheries manager Dave Miko:

"We found that when we stopped stocking over native brook trout populations and went back and sampled, the native population had increased."

Here is the writer's commentary:

"To many anglers, it seems counter-intuitive that native brook trout populations could increase when stocked over with bigger hatchery trout."

How could he get that so wrong? He's saying the opposite of what Miko said.
As acristickid said, the author has native and wild all mixed up, and therefore is also mixing up species, browns vs brookies. He even threw the word "feral" into the mix, to maximize confusion.
That that was painful to read...imagine what people must think that know little or nothing about the subject.

Check this one out....
In some non-prime Pennsylvania waters, hatchery-raised trout were stocked in stream sections known to contain wild (or feral) trout. In surprising research, the state Fish and Boat Commission found that years after the stocking had occurred, the native trout population had increased or remained about the same.

Here I think he means Wild not native.

That data challenges the intention, if not the language, of parts of the 2010-14 Strategic Plan for Management of Trout Fisheries in Pennsylvania, which reads in part, "There are a number of streams that may hold Class A biomass trout populations that have not been officially designated as Class A streams. ... This leads to inadequate water quality protection for these waters and inconsistent application of fisheries management strategies."

This comment has nothing to do with stocking as they are not specifically referencing streams that are stocked. This is in referenced to the Unassessed Waters Iniative.

Fisheries managers and commission members are faced with a conundrum. They're considering a policy change that would permit the stocking of trout on 10 sections of seven creeks, mostly in Central Pennsylvania, that are not designated as prime Class A waters (Fishing, Little Lehigh, Martins, Monocacy, Penns, Pohopoco and Yellow creeks) but include some Class A-type habitat that holds a reproducing trout population. Those streams have been stocked with hatchery trout and log high angler use on the opening day of trout season.

ALL of those are class A. and have nothing to do with the previous paragraph referencing the UWI.

So troutbert, step away from the article and correct the incorrect and then give it to every trout stamp buyer. ask them whether they understand the theme and goals and to stand on different sides of the room, yes to the left and no to the right.

Me thinks the left side of the room could be a small bathroom while the right side would equal two or three beaver stadiums.

My take on this is that the PFBC has not done its duty when it comes to educating the public about the effects of stocking over wild and native trout populations. There are many studies out there showing that stocking over wild trout is harmful. A few say there is little or no effect. But the vast body of knowledge on this subject has shown that the negative effects are significant.

Most of the PFBC's efforts in the past have been devoted to raising and stocking trout and advertising that fact. Few toward educating trout anglers about the very significant wild trout fishery we have here in PA - and how to use it without losing it. I think this is starting to change, but it's going to take time and a lot of effort. There are many out there who want to keep the old (traditional?) ways.