This weekend (18th-22nd or something like that)



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
I have a 5 day weekend. Anyone want to fish on Saturday? How about Monday or Tuesday? (Friday and Sunday are pretty much out).

Thought about goin' down to Valley on Saturday to fish w/ Fade and Prof, but Lord knows it might be cold and them old bones don't do cold!
Excuse me????? Saturday is a possibility. Friday, work - out. Sunday, high - 41, sustained winds at 22 m.p.h., out. Monday, high - 31, out. Tuesday, work - out.

Don't fish where we caught all those trout a few months ago. They're gone. Caught two on Saturday and skunked on Sunday. Hardly saw any fish which is a first. My guess is that they moved downstream towards the mouth where the temperatures may be a few degrees warmer. Just a guess.

I'll be in touch.
Sounds good Prof. I'm very interested in a trip on Saturday. I'm guessing there may be some BWO action going on.
Not a bug this past weekend. Not one rise in the section we fished. I'll PM you on where we should meet. No spot burner here!!!!!
Alright man. Just PM me. I'm open all day on Saturday to my knowledge.
Hey Guys,

If I can get in on that send me a PM.

Prof I promise I won't show up before 10:00am this time.. LOL
Awesome. Still haven't heard from Prof via PM, but I'm in on this.