2012 NCPA Quill Gordon SUMMIT (minijam)!!!! April 20-22, 2012



Well-known member
Jul 6, 2011
Malden, WV
For those of you who are following the thread in the Stream Report section, Csoult and I have stepped forward to make this NCPA QG minijam (summit, for Jack) happen!

The dates are April 20-22, 2012. We'll be camping at Potter County Family Campground on Rt6, 8 miles east of Coudersport Website Here

This puts us w/in 30-40 minutes of MANY top quality streams in the area (many much closer than that), leaving our options wide open. Csoult is calling the camp ground today and will get more information as to how early we need to have our reservations in, etc. Their rates are very affordable, starting at $20 per two person camp site. They also have camper hook ups and several affordable cabins.

We realize the time of year may not be ideal; that the weather could be hit or miss, but a big part of wanting to do this event is to try and hit a Quill Gordon hatch. The campground was picked due to 1-customer service on the phone 2-rates 3-access to many streams. There were some other options, but pricing was either more expensive OR there were no returned calls, etc. Csoult really did the grunt work w/ finding a suitable site for us.

We really tried our best to respect everyone's feedback on this and we're glad to have all the insight that we got. Hope a lot of you show up, 'cause apparently a NCPA jam has been a long talked about event and now its gonna happen!
Let's do it.
Thanks for stepping up in a BIG way Sasquath.

I'm interested in attending barring any possible conflict with my work schedule.

Should be a great time. Thanks again for your efforts.
My pleasure! I had some serious help from Csoult (he did some great leg work) and everyone's feedback was really good. I think there are a lot of us who love that area, and are looking forward to getting lost in those hills for a couple days.
I'm interested, but it will be a late decision for me (like March or early April).
I think it was a good idea to try a QG Summit. We keep this a month or more before the annual central PAFF JAM and also get to try to chase an elusive bug in "God's Country." Adventuresome sprits are welcome.

Weather will be a concern for certain. The beauty of that general area, in MHO, is that there will always be some water that will fish, if you learn how to find it. Said another way, unless a stream is obviously impaired (and there are a few), every piece of water probably holds trout. Many of the small wild trout streams fish better in high water, some you'd never try to fish unless in high water, and some that could be downright dangerous in high water.

For anyone interested in finding new water in an unfamiliar area, this can be a real learning experience. For those who would make a small check on their "to do" list by fishing to a QG hatch, this could be the opportunity you have been looking for. Several of the watersheds in that area have QGs. I'm not the one to ask which ones. I intend to find them, or one or two, how about you?
I really just want another excuse to go to the mountains Jack!

Seriously though, everything you said. I can't wait. I've been going up there my whole life and have barely scratched the surface.
Its an hour (according to Google) directly north of our camp. Might just skip opening weekend and go up for a couple days before and after the "summit" for a bookend trip.
I'm always up for a reasonable jam. Maybe a upper D jam in there so that may be my conflict.
I'm definitely interested in this. I fished NCPA last year but it was August and I couldn't buy a fish. Everyone kept telling me to come back in April. Sounds cool.
Hmmmm... QG SUMMIT in April, Hancock, NY early MAY, THE JAM mid-late MAY. I'm gonna have to get busy tying! Holy cow think about all the Beer I'll need! This may require some advanced financial planning.
You got about 6.5 months!

You're not married are you? 'Cause your big concern is beer, mine is clearing it all w/ the missus!
tomgamber wrote:
Its an hour (according to Google) directly north of our camp. Might just skip opening weekend and go up for a couple days before and after the "summit" for a bookend trip.

I'm thinking of doing the same thing Tom. This campground is about .5 miles from my camp.
I be willing to take a few guys to some of my secret spots as long as your willing to be blindfolded ? :) Seriously, I'd be willing to direct as many that want directions to any of the streams. As long as Bob(sandfly) is still here, he is the closest shop. He's about 20 miles east of the campground on Rt 6. There is a small sporting goods shop in Coudersport call Potter County Outfitters. They carry a few items for fly fishing. So if Bob has moved make sure you bring what you need.
That shop in Coudersport has a few tying supplies as well. But yeah...come prepared. Otherwise you'll have to go to Slate Run, that one place in the back of the gas station that is well east of Wellsboro, or you'll be trecking down 144 to Kettle Creek Tackle Shop (great drive...just really far)
Here are some other things to be "prepared" about:

-- Warm clothes, dry clothes;
-- Expect no cell service most places you will travel to fish;
-- Expect the business owners to be so friendly and helpful and genuinely glad to have you in their neck of paradise that you will think they are up to something-- and they are, but it is just welcoming you to return anytime you can.
Also-bad @ss breakfast at the Sylvania Diner.
Quick update. I e-mailed some reputable fly fishing gear companies and asked if they could send some stuff as give aways at the jam. Looked out my front door this morning and SIMMS had sent exactly what I asked for, stickers and a hat!!!!
Whoa! Nice dude. You're definitely the hero of this jam. I would have NEVER thought to do that.

No offense intended, but is it all right if I pass out business cards at the firering. There's always a few potential customers that attend.